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Title: | 「騎」幻旅程:幼兒戶外課程教育美學圖像探究 A Journey to the Cycling Fantasy: Exploring the Picture of Educational Aesthetics of the Children Outdoor Curriculum |
Authors: | 張馥蘭 Chang, Fu-Lan |
Contributors: | 馮朝霖 Fong, Tsao-Lin 張馥蘭 Chang, Fu-Lan |
Keywords: | 民族誌 戶外課程 教育美學 英雄之旅 騎腳踏車 希望 Ethnography Outdoor curriculum Educational aesthetics The Hero’s Journey Cycling Hope |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:30:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究採用民族誌研究,以一所公立幼兒園為田野,透過腳踏車戶外課程的參與式觀察、焦點團體訪談以及半結構式訪談,進行資料採集與文件分析,觀看幼兒自我探究、自我追尋與自我創化的美。
本研究嘗試勾勒之教育美學圖像,以「英雄之旅」的奇緣為意象,「啟程、 試煉、跨越、歸返」的循環是學騎腳踏車的成長歷程,為了逐夢而啟程,勇敢地從試煉中跨越,最終實現夢想帶著希望、愛與美歸返,歸返是為了再一次的啟程,如此的奇緣由「騎」邁向「圓」。形塑「英雄之旅」轉變的原因包含教師採取的策略、師生和同儕互動的經驗以及學習主體的轉化,本研究發現「騎」有三段心境轉折的美:
一、夢想「騎」點,從練騎到戀騎 教師陪伴幼兒勇敢前行,師生一起探索騎腳踏車的知識和技巧,幫助幼兒自我突破、看見自身的成長並引發求知的渴望。
二、同心「騎」力,從慢騎到漫騎 幼兒從互動中學會三思後行,師生一起探討有關騎腳踏車的禮儀,幫助幼兒練習用好的方式和善的態度與差異主體互動。
三、適得「騎」所,從想騎到享騎 師生結伴同行享受在戶外騎車的喜悅,幼兒學會調適心情較能坦然地面對突發事件,同時,樂於分享並傳承自身的經驗。 This study aims to explore the process of self-inquiry, self-seeking and self-transformation to which the children in a preschool doing cycling outdoor curriculum. The method used to carry out this study is ethnography, which includes participant observation, focused group interview and semi-structured interview.
The purpose of this study is to describe the picture ,which is a destiny of The Hero’s Journey, of educational aesthetics of the children outdoor curriculum. Departure, trial, crossing and return circulate endlessly through a fantasy journey. Departure is to become a dreamer in the search for oneself. Return is symbolic of a new journey for life. The Hero’s Journey is the process to become oneself that is moving towards complete. Factors that shaped the transformation of The Hero’s Journey include: the strategies adopted by teachers, the experiences of teacher-student and peer interaction, and the self-transformation of the learning subject. This study found that “doing cycling” has the beauty with three mood transition:
1.To do and to comprehend — Searching the origin of dreams. Cycling practices may frustrate children. However, trial and error, continuous improvement, more company and encouragement from teachers are together the key to help children to make a breakthrough and to see the growth of themselves. It arouses children’s desire to learn in the process of exploring the knowledge and skills of cycling and to fall in love with cycling activity.
2.To overcome and to communicate — Learning to cooperate in harmony. Children come up against difficulties in communication and interaction after cycling accidents. They learn to think twice from those difficulties. Teachers and students discuss the etiquette of riding a bicycle together timely, and that helps children practice interaction with different subjects in a good way and a kind attitude.
3.To become and to complete — Discovering the meaning of existence. Eventually, cycling journey makes children feel at ease and intoxicated, and they are better prepared for new challenges or something that cannot anticipate. Children become a cyclist who can see the value of his/her existence in a team, share experience generously and enjoy the moment to teach others with confidence. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 104157001 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104157001 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201605 |
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