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    Title: 中國一帶一路大外宣對馬來西亞海外華人社會離散民族主義再現之影響
    The Effects of the Chinese Party-State’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Propaganda on the Resurgence of Diasporic Nationalism Among the Overseas Chinese Communities in Malaysia
    Authors: 羅奕恆
    Loh, Yiheng
    Contributors: 方孝謙
    Fong, Shiaw-Chian
    Loh, Yiheng
    Keywords: 馬來西亞華人民族主義
    Malaysian Chinese Nationalism
    Belt and Road Initiative
    Overseas United Front Work
    Chinese diaspora
    Diasporic nationalism
    Long-distance nationalism
    Creole nationalism
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:29:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文探討中國一帶一路(BRI)大外宣如何影響馬來西亞華人(馬華)社會的離散民族主義之再現。早於1957年的離散民族主義,也就是遠距離民族主義,在BRI開展之前(1957-2012)遭到壓制。這期間馬華身份認同也從中國認同轉為本土認同。自從2013年BRI開始後,在中國的介入下,馬華内部因身份認同分歧(中國或本土)而產生的兩個意識形態陣營之間開始爭論不休。原先式微的離散民族主義,再次以具有中國認同的「馬來西亞華人民族主義」呈現出來,其特色接近數世紀前的歐裔民族主義。本論文辯稱BRI大外宣顛倒了Anderson(1983)的民族主義歷史系譜,因為馬華的離散民族主義從BRI之前的遠距離民族主義轉變成了BRI之後的馬來西亞華人民族主義,也就是歐裔民族主義的翻版。馬華係獨立民族,其身份認同有別於馬來族和中國公民。
    The thesis examines the effects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) propaganda on the resurgence of diasporic nationalism among Malaysian Chinese communities. The original diasporic nationalism (pre-1957), in the form of long-distance nationalism, was suppressed during the period before BRI (1957-2012), where the identity orientation among Malaysian Chinese switched from China to Malaysia. After the BRI was launched in Malaysia since 2013, the debates of identity crisis between the two ideological camps (sinocentric versus localized) of Malaysian Chinese have been intensified with China’s involvement. The diasporic nationalism oriented towards China has resurged in the form of “Malaysian Chinese nationalism,” which resembles creole nationalism observed centuries ago. The thesis asserts that the BRI propaganda has reversed the chronological sequence of the history of nationalism trend as proposed by Anderson (1983), because the diasporic nationalism among Malaysian Chinese has changed from long-distance nationalism (before BRI) to creole nationalism (after BRI). Malaysian Chinese nationalist identity is distinct from both the Malays’ and China’s.
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