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Title: | 探討三個不同人稱觀點之聊天機器人對改善拖延的影響 Exploring the impact of chatbots with three POVs on reducing procrastination |
Authors: | 鄒采倪 Tzou, Tsai-Ni |
Contributors: | 鄭霈絨 廖峻鋒 Cheng, Pei-Jung Liao, Chun-Feng 鄒采倪 Tzou, Tsai-Ni |
Keywords: | 人稱觀點 聊天機器人 拖延改善 時間動機理論 Person point of view Chatbot Procrastination reduction Time motivation theory |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:26:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 學業拖延已被認定為一種普遍存在的問題,超過六成以上的大學生及研究生拖延,且超過半數已造成困擾。因此,本研究以具有方便性的聊天機器人為載體,探究不同人稱觀點的聊天機器人對拖延的改善是否有差異。本研究透過聊天機器人傳送「第一人稱」、「第二人稱」、「第三人稱」觀點的訊息,以進度追蹤、學習動機等工具了解大學生與研究生的拖延改善效果,並以問卷了解他們對不同人稱觀點的感受。本研究採組內設計形式,每位參與者將分別使用三個不同人稱的聊天機器人,最終參與者共有22名拖延者及4名非拖延者完整參與實驗。 研究結果顯示:(1)參與者的進度走勢主要可以歸納為三種類型,其中,與第一人稱對話時的任務完成人數、完成度與主觀有用程度皆高於與第二人稱及第三人稱對話;(2)多數拖延參與者在三個人稱觀點聊天機器人中,會有與其中一個人稱對話的任務完成度優於與其他兩個人稱對話的現象;(3)參與者與三個人稱對話後,會在學習動機的不同的構面上較高分,顯示不同人稱觀點對話確實會在學習動機上有不同的效果;(4)參與者對三個不同人稱觀點聊天機器人的共同感受為理性客觀、自我對話、照顧關愛,與聊天機器人的關係為「監督」、「提醒」、「親友」;(5)參與者認為與第一人稱觀點聊天機器人對話有「放大自己」的特性,可以促進參與者反思,在進度的表現上有較好的影響;他們認為與第二人稱對話最為自然,最像與真人對話,但容易出現較直接、上對下關係的感受;而他們認為與第三人稱對話則較為新奇,但與自身最沒有關係。 Academic procrastination is a common problem, more than 60% of college and graduate students procrastinate, and more than half have caused trouble. This research used chatbots to send messages with "first-person," "second-person," and "third-person" viewpoints respectively and used research tools such as progress tracking and learning motivation questionnaire to understand the differences in procrastination reduction of the subjects. The study applied the within-subject design, all the participants should use chatbots with three point of views (POVs) respectively. Finally, total 22 procrastinators and 4 non-procrastinators were recruited to complete the experiment. The result shows that: (1) The daily progress trend of the participants can be mainly classified into three types. The number of task complete participant, and the degree of completion and subjective usefulness in the dialogue with the first-person are higher than second-person and third-person; (2) Most of the procrastinators have a phenomena, which is they had a better impact on the completion degree with one of the POVs chatbot than with the other two; (3) After the participants had conversations with three POVs chatbots, the study found that they would have higher scores on different aspect of learning motivation, indicating that conversations with a different POV chatbot does have a different effect on learning motivation; (4) The common feelings of the participants to the three POVs chatbots are "rational" and "objective", "self-talk", "caring", and the relationship with the chatbots is "supervision", "reminder", "friend " (5) The participants believed that dialogue with the first-person POV chatbot had the feature of "self-magnified", which can enhance the participants` reflection and have a better impact on the completion degree; they thought that dialogue with the second-person POV chatbot was the most natural, as well as the most similar to chat with a real person, but it is easy to have the feelings of direct and superior-subordinate relationship; while they thought that dialogue with the third-person POV was more novel, but had the least relationship to themselves. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 數位內容碩士學位學程 109462003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109462003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201559 |
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