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Title: | 《重啟》與《堅韌》政策: 紐西蘭對太平洋之外交政策話語分析 Analysing New Zealand’s Pacific Foreign Policy Discourse – Reset and Resilience |
Authors: | 湯若僑 Thomson, Jonathon |
Contributors: | 盧業中 官大偉 Lu, Yeh-Chung Kuan, Da-Wei 湯若僑 Jonathon Thomson |
Keywords: | 紐西蘭外交政策 紐西蘭 大洋洲地區 紐西蘭身份 話語分析 太平洋重啓 太平洋堅韌 紐西蘭國際關係 毛利國際關係 New Zealand foreign policy New Zealand Pacific Region New Zealand identity Discourse analysis Pacific reset Pacific resilience New Zealand international relations Māori international relations |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:22:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 紐西蘭最近宣布改變其在太平洋地區外交政策的走向。目前的政策「太平洋堅韌」(Pacific Resilience)被視為是2018年「太平洋重啟」( Pacific Reset )更加成熟的版本。
新政策的論述側重於紐西蘭作為太平洋島國的身份,以及紐西蘭與其他太平洋島國間的共有文化、語言、歷史與人民之間的連結。本研究聚焦探討「為何紐西蘭現在選擇了這個話語位置(discursive position)?」本文同時探究紐西蘭身份的這種概念,是何以建構國際環境,及被自身所身處的國際環境所建構。
本文將嘗試呈現「太平洋堅韌」(Pacific Resilience)政策與環繞於其周圍的話語,是有助於平衡紐西蘭在該地區的利益,並在具有不同利益及競爭利益的參與者間取得平衡。此外,本研究將進一步體現毛利人的世界觀以及紐西蘭嚴守新自由主義規則與基於規範的秩序是如何結合在一起,以支持紐西蘭在該地區與更遠處的國際關係。最後,本文描述了話語中的變化是如何構成不斷變化中的區域背景,而其也反過來受到不斷變化中的區域背景所構成。 New Zealand has recently announced changes to its approach to foreign policy in the Pacific. The current policy, named “Pacific Resilience” has been described as a “maturation” of the “Pacific Reset” policy announced in 2018. The discourse of the new policy focuses on New Zealand’s identity as a Pacific island country (PIC), and the shared cultural, linguistic, historical, and people to connections between New Zealand and other PICs. Why is has this discursive position been chosen now? This research is focused on this question, along with an enquiry into how this conception of New Zealand identity is both constructed by and constitutive of the international environment in which it is presented. This paper will attempt to show that this policy and the discourse that surrounds it serves to balance New Zealand’s interest in the region among a wide range of actors with varied and competing interests. This study will further show how Māori worldviews (particularly the concept of whānau) and New Zealand’s adherence to a neo-liberal rules and norms based order are being married together to support New Zealand’s international relations both in the region and further afield. It also describes how the changes in the discourse are constitutive of and constituted by the changing regional context. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際研究英語碩士學位學程(IMPIS) 109862014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109862014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201598 |
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