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    Title: 探討公司治理數位化對緩和董事責任之芻議 --以經營判斷法則為中心
    A Study from Digitalization of Corporate Governance to Mitigation of Director’s Liability --Focus on the Business Judgement Rules
    Authors: 林瑞彬
    Lin, Ruey-Bin
    Contributors: 劉連煜
    Lin, Ruey-Bin
    Keywords: 董事責任
    Board Director’s Culpability
    Business judgment rule
    Corporate digitalized governance
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:20:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來重大財務舞弊案使投資人及債權人遭受其未預期之損失,其中以財報不實為資本市場中影響投資人權益最多之不法案件類型,董事往往成為起訴對象。證券交易法修法後,董事負有推定過失責任更使董事離職潮趨於明顯,董事人才產生匱乏之困境,此退縮困境使公司亦甚困擾。而就非財報不實之董事被訴案件,亦有若干案件會因認公司負責人未盡善良管理人之注意義務而請求其賠償公司損害之案例,惟何謂公司負責人未盡善良管理人之注意義務,對公司負責人執行職務時如無相關規範可供其參考,將使其於執行職務時無法確認其決定可免於觸法,而實際無執掌相關權責的董事更是會害怕自己因也要負善良管理人之注意義務而對相關決議採取保守立場,換言之,如無客觀之標準可使公司負責人免於因執行職務被訴,公司會想要投入於減少風險的公司治理措施的機會就會降低。司法實務漸有以經營判斷法則作為董事商業決策與董事責任之衡平的見解,在良善的公司治理架構下,董事責任可明確劃分其監督、管理之責任,執行部門之職責亦能明確呈現,或能使董事明瞭如何舉證已盡善良管理人責任。在此情境下,司法即應對於董事之經營決策採取尊重之態度,董事可在確認公司經營階層已盡其職責後,依其經驗智識為股東之最大利益及兼顧利害關係人利益之立場做出決定,而不致害怕因決定之結果不如預期面臨官司纏訟而裹足不前。雖經營判斷法則尚不能運用於財報不實案件,但財報不實案件適用證券交易法第20條之一第2項推定過失責任及第5項比例責任之結果,董事對舉證其是否盡其審查財務報表編制所應盡之責任更有訂定舉證規則之必要。故就董事責任案件,我國司法實務上能否完整引用美國法以推定董事符合經營判斷法則之舉證責任分配之原則?就財報不實案件,董事能否藉由對其財報審閱過程之有效舉證而能免除或減輕其對投資人之責任?應為企業界亟欲了解之問題。本研究試圖從建置公司治理過程可完整呈現其軌跡系統出發,如企業能具備完善的公司治理數位化之環境,於執行職務時即留存無法臨訟製作的數位化工作底稿,即能於發生訟爭時作為有效之主張。透過導入公司治理數位化讓公司決策之流程如實呈現,確認公司做決定之法定程序已無任何遺漏且已完整確認其適法性,就高風險之案件交由稽核依經驗法則加以查核,董事在做決策時均可在該系統上顯示其已審閱過各該表單,不僅能大幅提升董事於訴訟就其注意義務應舉證之能力及效果,甚至可能使主管機關達到即時監理之成效,如此,司法實務即可考量在董事以數位化之方式呈現其為決策時所檢視之資料,並無違反經驗法則及法律後,可適用經營判斷法則或證交法第20條之一的舉證責任或比例責任之規定來緩和董事的責任,使董事可放心致力以公司利益為最大考量貢獻其經驗及智慧。
    In recent years, major financial fraud cases have caused investors and creditors to suffer unexpected losses. Among them, false financial reports are the type of illegal cases that most affect investors` rights and interests in the capital market, and directors often become the subject of prosecution. After the amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act, directors’ liability for presumed negligence has made the tendency of director resignation more obvious, and thus dilemma of lack of directors has occurred. This dilemma of retreat has also troubled companies. In addition, for cases other than false financial statements, there are also cases in which the person in charge of the company has not fulfilled the duty of care and is required to compensate the company for damages. If the person in charge of the company does not have relevant norms for his reference when performing his duties and is uncertain of what measures can be taken to avoid breaking the law, he may turn out to be very conservative about all decisions, not to mention for directors who are not actually in charge of the relevant business but are required to take responsibilities. In order to encourage directors to undertake their duties, judicial practice has gradually adopted the principle of Business Judgment Rule as a balance between directors’ business decisions and directors’ responsibilities. A well-structured corporate governance principle may be a clear division of directors’ responsibilities of supervision and management, and other administrative departments’ duties may as well be clarified. The implementation of corporate governance can provide sufficient and complete information for the proof of directors’ responsibilities, so that the judiciary will respect the directors’ business decisions. Under the circumstance, directors can make decisions based on their experience and knowledge in the best interests of shareholders and taking into account the interests of stakeholders without being halted by the fear of potential lawsuits. Though the principle of Business Judgment Rule cannot be used for false financial statements cases, it is still necessary for the board of director to have a set of rule to prove his responsibilities in reviewing the financial reports with duty of care when he plans to apply the presumption of negligence and proportionate liability in Article 20-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act. Thus, can Taiwan’s judicial practice agree with the principle of the distribution of burden of proof centered on the rules of business judgment? In false financial statements cases, can directors be relieved or mitigate their responsibilities to investors by providing effective evidence for their financial report review process? This is an urgent question for many companies. This research presumes if corporate governance can fully present its footprints, for example, the company can start with the concept of corporate governance digitization, and retain the digital work papers that cannot be produced in litigation when performing duties, these footprints will be able to be used in future litigation as a valid proposition. Through the introduction of the digitalization of corporate governance, the company’s decision-making process will be fully recorded and can be deemed lawful. High-risk cases shall be submitted to the auditor for verification based on the rule of thumb. When making decisions or after reviewing documents, directors can record their decision-making process on the system. In this way, not only can the competent authority achieve effective supervision, it can also greatly enhance the directors’ ability to provide evidence for their duty of care during litigation. Finally, the judicial practice can be presented in a digital way by the directors. Moreover, once the directors confirm the information reviewed at the time of decision-making does not violate the rule of thumb and related laws, the rules of business judgment or presumption of negligence and proportionate liability in Article 20-1 of the Securities and Exchange Act can be applied so that the directors can fully concentrate on the company`s interests and contribute their experience and wisdom.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105961003
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201617
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