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Title: | 投資模型理論應用於新聞App用戶之品牌承諾及用戶行為意願研究──以商周Plus與天下雜誌為例 A Research on the investment model to brand commitment and behavior intention in News App user : An Example from “Business Weekly Plus” and “Common Wealth Magazine” |
Authors: | 洪啟維 Hung, Chi-Wei |
Contributors: | 林芝璇 Lin, Jhih-Syuan 洪啟維 Hung, Chi-Wei |
Keywords: | 新聞品牌 App用戶 投資模型 品牌承諾 行為意願 News media brand Mobile applications Investment model Brand commitment Behavioral intention |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:13:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 科技演進下,新聞行動市場持續擴張,用戶的時間碎片化,使得媒體品牌價值顯得更加重要。新聞組織必須為內容產品創建標識,除了能避免資訊混淆,也有助於連結目標用戶,這是重要的品牌化策略。其中,新聞App是數位行動化社會下,媒體品牌化的一個重要里程,藉由App的溝通,具高針對性的渠道,多元的推播內容,可以累積用戶的忠誠行為。為了探究品牌與新聞產品用戶間的關係,本研究以投資模型的各構面(滿意程度、投資規模、替代選擇品質)為基礎,輔以組織承諾的度量,探討新聞App用戶建立品牌承諾的原因,及不同品牌承諾與行為意願之間的關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,針對《商周Plus》與《天下雜誌》App的用戶進行資料收集,總計蒐集481份有效問卷。研究結果發現,滿意程度能正向預測情感性承諾,投資規模能正向預測持續性承諾,然而,替代選擇品質與持續性承諾之間並無顯著關聯性。此外,情感性承諾與規範性承諾之間有正向關係。研究更發現,品牌承諾的三個構面(情感性承諾、持續性承諾、規範性承諾)皆能影響購買意願,但僅有情感性承諾和規範性承諾能顯著預測持續使用意願和推薦意願。中介分析的結果進一步顯示,滿意程度會透過提升情感性承諾與規範性承諾,間接對行為意願產生影響;投資規模會透過提升持續性承諾,間接對行為意願產生影響。總結來說,本研究以新聞品牌為基礎,就數位內容場域的經營,提供新聞品牌建立用戶關係的參考方向,也提出後續研究的相關建議,期望擴展品牌關係行銷領域之研究範疇與洞察。 The mobile market for news media continues to expand, driven by technology advances. As users’ time becomes fragmented, media branding is considered an important approach to gain competitive advantages in the marketplace. Media firms must create identities for their media products to effectively reach targeted users and avoid confusion. In light of that, mobile applications have become an important tool for enhancing media branding efforts in the highly digitalized society. Mobile applications serve as a targeted channel for disseminating diverse information, which can significantly contribute to improving users’ loyal behavior. To contribute to the existing research on media branding, this study aims to explore the nature of relationships developed between news media brands and users of their mobile applications. Specifically, this study builds on the investment model and the literature on organizational commitment to examine why users of news mobile applications develop brand commitment and how components of commitment enhance behavioral intentions. A survey was conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. A total of 481 mobile application users of “Business Weekly Plus” and “Common Wealth Magazine” were recruited to take part in this study. The findings reveal that satisfaction level positively predicts affective commitment, and investment size positively predicts continuance commitment. However, there is no significant relationship between the quality of alternatives and continuance commitment. In addition, affective commitment is positively associated with normative commitment. The findings also show that the three components of brand commitment (i.e., affective, continuance, and normative commitment) lead to increased purchase intention, while only affective and normative commitment have a positive impact on continuance intention to use and intention to recommend. The results of the mediation analysis further suggest that satisfaction level indirectly enhances behavioral intentions via increased affective and normative commitment. Investment size has an indirect positive association with behavioral intentions through increased continuance commitment. In sum, this study provides important implications for news media brands to foster relationships with their mobile application users. Limitations and directions for future research are also discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 107941022 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107941022 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201512 |
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