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    Title: YouTube 線上影音廣告的數據分析與決策
    Data analysis and decision-making of YouTube video advertising
    Authors: 蔡璞玥
    Tsai, Pu Yueh
    Contributors: 蘇蘅
    Su, Herng
    Tsai, Pu Yueh
    Keywords: YouTube
    YouTube 演算法
    Technology acceptance model
    Online video ads
    YouTube algorithm
    Ads data
    Ads strategy
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:12:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: YouTube 每個月有二十億活躍使用者,是目前全球最多使用者的網路影音平台,YouYube 廣告與消費者溝通的重要性與日俱增,因此有必要探討與理解廣告主購買 YouTube 廣告的意圖、決策過程與效果評估。

    由於 YouTube 廣告以社群平台傳遞為主的創新和科技特色,本研究採深度訪談法,訪問四位不同數位行銷專業的廣告主,探討並分析廣告主在擴展科技接收模式的程序學習任務中,如何接受及採納 YouTube 與 Google 的使用者數據,如何解讀為消費者偏好,加上自身產業經驗及合作團隊的配合,認知 YouTube 廣告的價值及廣告策略。

    本研究發現以科技接受模式觀察廣告主的感知易用性,發現 YouTube 演算法和多元數據工具,提供多數廣告主更豐富、客製化的訊息分析,有助對其產品消費者和服務對象的快速深入理解;值得注意的是,廣告主感知 YouTube 和Google 資訊數據的有用性,當廣告主使用相關工具及資訊系統時,認為可以帶來工作績效的提升,評估廣告效果。研究發現,受訪者感知易用性越高,使用態度越積極。他們感知易用性越高,其感知有用性也相對增加。

    受訪的廣告主如果具有相當的社群平台科技認知以及豐富的使用經驗,更能強化在決策中對於 YouTube 科技及數據分析的好感以及有用性,對於新興串流廣告發展採用演算法以及客製化消費者的洞察具有市場應用價值;而 Google提供的數位數據工具,也適合強化廣告主在廣告決策中的過程應用及修正,對於廣告效果的達成,增加了信任感和靈活度。
    With two billion monthly active users, YouTube is currently the world`s largest user of online video and audio Platform, the importance of YouTube advertising and communication with their customers is increasing nowadays. It is necessary to explore and understand the advertiser`s intention to purchase YouTube advertising, their decision-making process and how they perceive YouTube advertising value.

    The study aims on how advertisers accept YouTube technological changes and have also made changes in advertisements related to the Technology Acceptance Model. Due to the creative and technological features of YouTube advertising, this research adopts the in-depth interview method, interviewing four advertisers with different digital marketing experiences, to discuss how much digital information they need working on decision-making.

    This study has found that most advertisers agreed that they could save time and effort when utilizing YouTube data and tools. Advertisers also believe that it would improve ads performance and comprehend the effects of perceived usefulness. The research confirms that the advertisers accept and adopt the user data of YouTube and Google, can take advantage of the data provided by apps and platforms, thus making online advertising more effectively used. The factors that affect YouTube advertising value and its effect on purchasing intention are thoroughly examined. The more credible and usefulness of the YouTube statistics perceived by the advertisers, the more positive they intend to purchase YouTube ads. Both the convenience and informativeness of YouTube data can influence advertisers’ decision-making intention and action. The YouTube algorithms and multiple digital tools can provide most advertisers with rich and customized information analyses that can help them target customers quickly and improve work performance. This highlights algorithms and digital tools will bring more positive effects to streaming advertising.

    These digital data provided by Google are also suitable for enhancing the process application and correction of advertisers in advertising decision-making, which increases the confidence and flexibility for the advertising effects.
    Reference: 中文文獻



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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201591
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