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Title: | 娘娘/蕩婦? 從Instagram網路迷因論男同志敢曝實踐 Sissy/Slut? Gay Camp Practices In Instagram Meme |
Authors: | 楊昀蓁 Yang, Yun-Chen |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 楊昀蓁 Yang, Yun-Chen |
Keywords: | Instagram 網路迷因 敢曝 娘娘腔 性/別 符號學 宮鬥劇 Instagram Internet meme Camp Sissy Sex/gender Semiotics Palace drama |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:03:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討社群媒體Instagram的宮鬥劇迷因貼文,視其為男同志敢曝實踐之體現。因此,本研究將文本置於台灣「娘娘腔」的歷史及男同志敢曝的文化脈絡,透過符號學分析宮鬥劇迷因的敢曝歷程,發現男同志藉宮鬥劇的女性角色實踐日常性/別政治,體現了三個層次的敢曝狀態:(一)在「娘娘腔」汙名的脈絡下,男同志化身「娘娘」抵抗陽剛氣質的社會期待,更是挑戰性/別特質的非正典性;(二)在性主體層次上對「娘娘腔」汙名的抵抗,男同志藉由「娘娘」實踐「蕩婦」作為,也藉此抵抗台灣的否性文化;(三)男同志化身「蕩婦」展演邊緣性愛,乃是以酷兒精神抵抗性價值階層系統與性道德常規。循此,宮鬥劇迷因體現男同志主體實踐敢曝的方式,是藉由宮鬥劇象徵社會既有結構的意義以建構主體的性/別位置,並主體於宮鬥劇迷因不斷越界於「娘娘/蕩婦」身份之間,顯示其權力位置與身份流動於Instagram的宮鬥劇迷因貼文。最後,由於男同志挪用的是《後宮甄嬛傳》及《如懿傳》兩部中國清朝古裝宮鬥戲劇,來接合亞洲、台灣的網路流行用語,及男同志文化,因此Instagram的宮鬥劇迷因貼文亦體現男同志敢曝文化於台灣的在地化樣貌。 This study examines the meme posts of palace drama on a social media, Instagram. Regarding the posts as the embodiment of gay camp practices. Therefore, this study analyses the texts in the context of history of Taiwanese “sissy” and the cultural context of gay camp. By using the semiotic method, this study finds that gay takes sex/gender politics into practice by the female roles of palace drama, which give an expression to the three levels of camp situation: 1. In the context of the “sissy” stigma, gay plays the role of “concubine” to resist social expectations of masculinity, which is challenging the non-conforming sex/gender characteristic. 2. Resisting the “sissy” stigma at the level of sexual subject, gay practices “slut” as “concubine” to resist Taiwanese sex negative culture. 3. Gay performs marginalized sex as “slut”, resisting the hierarchical system of sexual value and sexual morality with the spirit of queer. According to this, the way that gay camp practice in palace drama meme is to construct the sex/gender position of gay subject by the significance of palace drama symbolizing the existing structure of society. And the subject constantly crosses the boundary between the identity of “sissy/slut”, showing that gay’s right and identity flow into the posts of palace drama meme on Instagram. The last point is that gay appropriates the “Empresses in the Palace” and “Ruyi’s Royal Love in the Palace”, which are the Chinese costume dramas of Qing Dynasty and then articulates them with Asian and Taiwanese popular online words and gay culture, so the posts of palace drama meme on Instagram also reflect the Taiwanese local appearance of gay camp culture. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201585 |
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