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    Title: 新傳播科技下在家工作者之社會臨場感、主管支持與工作滿意度
    Work-From-Home Employees’ Social Presence, Supervisor Support and Job Satisfaction under the New Communication Technologies
    Authors: 黎威梆
    Lai, Wei-Bang
    Contributors: 韓義興
    Lai, Wei-Bang
    Keywords: 在家工作者
    Work-from-home employees
    Social presence
    Supervisor support
    Job satisfaction
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:02:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自從新冠病毒在台擴散,許多企業為維持日常運作紛紛啟動了Work From Home(在家工作)的緊急措施。研究者作為新冠疫情期間的一名在家工作者,從自身的觀察發現,在家工作期間在新傳播科技的使用下,發現員工與主管間的關係建立與互動有了不少的變化,因此想藉此探討新傳播科技下在家工作者所感知的社會臨場感,主管支持與工作滿意度之間的關係。

    本研究採線上問卷調查法,並找尋了在台且符合在家工作者條件的受試者。本研究於民國111年3月結束了問卷的預試,完成修正後就於同年的6月完成了最終問卷的發放,順利回收470份的有效問卷。研究結果與Zhang, Lu, Gupta & Zhao(2014)、Richardson, Maeda, Lv & Caskurlu(2017)等學者相同,也發現:(1)當在家工作者所感知的社會臨場感越高,主管支持(情感性、工具性、資訊性和評估性支持)則會越高;(2)當在家工作者所感知的社會臨場感越高,工作滿意度亦會變高;(3)當在家工作者所感知的主管支持(評估性支持)越高,工作滿意度同樣會變高;(4)主管支持(評估性支持)會中介社會臨場感與工作滿意度之間的關係。

    Since the beginning of the spread of the coronavirus in Taiwan, many companies began to allow their employees to work from home. As a work-from-home employee during the pandemic period himself, the researcher observed that the use of new communication technologies appeared to have changed relationships and interactions between employees and supervisors. As such, this study explores if and how the use of new communication technologies used during the pandemic impacted the relationship between social presence, supervisor support, and overall job satisfaction.

    This study administered an online questionnaire survey to subject participants in Taiwan who met the conditions of work-from-home employees. The pretest of the questionnaire was originally completed in March 2022, and being revised shortly thereafter. After its distribution in June 2022, the final questionnaire was completed by a total of 470 participants. Results from this survey agreed with existing research from Zhang, Lu, Gupta & Zhao (2014), Richardson, Maeda, Lv, & Caskurlu (2017), and other scholars, finding that (1) Social presence impacts the supervisor support (Emotional Support, Information Support, Instrumental Support, Appraisal Support) positively. (2) Social presence impacts job satisfaction positively. (3) Supervisor support (Appraisal Support) impacts job satisfaction positively. (4) Supervisor support (Appraisal Support) has a mediating effect between social presence and job satisfaction.

    Based on its multimodal analysis of Taiwan’s current work-from-home environment, this research offers the following suggestions which may address challenges faced by work-from-home employees: (1) Work-from-home employees should have access to a quality work environment and associated equipment. (2) Companies should employ and encourage the use of modern communication technology to enhance social presence and effective communication with management. (3) To improve job satisfaction of work-from-home employees, management should provide more support and affirmation of employees` efforts and performance (Appraisal Support) during the work-from-home period.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464055
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201653
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