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    Title: 論電影《大象席地而坐》對生命意義的探尋
    Searching for the Meaning of Life in An Elephant Sitting Still
    Authors: 陳新瑋
    Chen, Samantha
    Contributors: 陳儒修
    Chen, Samantha
    Keywords: 大象席地而坐
    An Elephant Sitting Still
    Hu Bo
    Political allegory
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:02:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 電影《大象席地而坐》為中國已故導演胡波拍攝的首部長片也是最後一部長片,該片在眾多參展影片裡脫穎而出,獲得第55屆台灣金馬獎最佳劇情長片、最佳改編劇本與觀眾票選最佳長片三項殊榮。本片描繪四個主角所遭逢的生存困境,他們各自被困在荒謬的命運,並將希望寄託在一個遠方不存在的傳言裡。本研究將使用政治寓言與文本分析之研究方法,探討電影《大象席地而坐》如何描繪當下小鎮青年的人物困境、片中角色如何表述四種人物的荒謬狀態、以及如何折射中國小鎮社會的虛無。本研究發現胡波以獨特之鏡頭語言與角色設定去理解人的生命狀態,從直面虛無、起身抵抗到尋找大象,成功營造四位主角為了掙脫宿命的荒謬,起身前往滿洲里尋找大象的故事。
    The film "An Elephant Sitting Still" is the first and last feature film of the late Chinese director Hu Bo. The film stood out from many nominated films at the 55th Golden Horse Award, and won the award for Best Feature Film, Best Adapted Screenplay and the Audience Award for the best feature film. The film depicts the survival predicament of the four characters trapped in absurd fate and pinning their hopes on a rumor that does not exist.
    This research will use the research methods of political allegory and text analysis to dissect how the movie "An Elephant Sitting Still" depicts the plight of the characters of the youth in the small town, how the characters embody the absurdity in life, and how to reflect the nothingness of Chinese small-town society. This study found that Hu Bo used his unique lens language and character setting to understand the predicament of human life, from facing nothingness, standing up to resist to looking for elephants, and successfully created the four protagonists in order to escape the absurdity of fate, and set off for the elephant sitting still in Manchuria.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464010
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201636
    Appears in Collections:[Master`s Program in Communication] Theses

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