題名: | 電子供應原料線上交易網站商業模式個案分析 -以大大通網路為例 A Case Study of the Business Model Analysis of the DaDatong Company |
作者: | 陳克緯 Chen, Ko-Wei |
貢獻者: | 邱奕嘉 Chiu, Yi-Chia 陳克緯 Chen, Ko-Wei |
關鍵詞: | 物聯網商務平台 電子原料線上交易 商業模式 價值地圖 顧客素描 IoT, Online Transaction of Electronic Materials Business model Value map Customer sketch |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-10-05 |
摘要: | 本文觀察物聯網串接電子產業之商業模式,以「大大通原料線上交易網站」作為本文主要的分析案例。透過商業模式、價值地圖與顧客素描等分析,得到以下分析結果,大大通的策略優勢部分,可便利且即時滿足顧客電子原物料需求,並且無地區限制提供顧客商品製程問題解方。發展機會的部分,數位科技應用發展趨勢下,許多傳統製造商搶占相關電子產品商機,但是這些製造商可能會因為原料需求規模小,難以順利接觸電子零組件上游廠商,或需面臨昂貴的元件成本;也有可能這些製造商在生產過程中遇到問題;這些問題皆可由大大通解決;而這些中小型製造商,如同螞蟻雄兵,積沙成塔,形成一筆可觀的獲利來源。至於大大通的困境與挑戰方面,物聯網的商務平台可能對於年紀稍長的中小企業製造商經營者接受度較低。最後,大大通的發展缺口,此系統尚缺科技法務諮詢相關資源,未來可著力此部分。近年地緣政治風險,高科技應用產品的供應鏈將重組,傳統的經營模式將被受挑戰。因此,電子零組件供應商,須從新創商業模式出發,符合目前經濟與國際局勢下的商業需求,再創經營佳績 This article observes the business model of the Internet of Things connecting the electronics industry, and takes the "Dadatong Raw Material Online Trading Website" as the main analysis case of this article. Through the analysis of business model, value map and customer sketches, the following analysis results are obtained. The strategic advantages of Datong can conveniently and instantly meet the needs of customers for electronic raw materials, and provide customers with solutions to product process problems without regional restrictions. As for the development opportunities, under the development trend of digital technology application, many traditional manufacturers seize the business opportunities of related electronic products, but these manufacturers may have difficulty in contacting the upstream manufacturers of electronic components due to the small scale of raw material demand, or face expensive component costs. ; It is also possible that these manufacturers have encountered problems in the production process; these problems can be solved by Dadatong; and these small and medium-sized manufacturers, like ants, build a tower of sand and form a considerable source of profit. As for the difficulties and challenges of Datong, the business platform of the Internet of Things may be less acceptable to older SME manufacturers and operators. Finally, the development gap of Dadatong, this system still lacks relevant resources for scientific and technological legal consultation, and can focus on this part in the future. In recent years, due to geopolitical risks, the supply chain of high-tech application products will be reorganized, and the traditional business model will be challenged. Therefore, suppliers of electronic components must start from new business models, meet the business needs of the current economic and international situation, and achieve better business results. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 109932061 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109932061 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201547 |
顯示於類別: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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