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Title: | 塔吉克斯坦政經轉型中的非正式運作與網絡探討 A Study of Informal Practices and Networks during Tajikistan`s Political and Economic Transition |
Authors: | 陳映羽 Chen, Ying-Yu |
Contributors: | 趙竹成 Zhao, Zhu-Cheng 陳映羽 Chen, Ying-Yu |
Keywords: | 氏族政治 塔吉克斯坦 拉赫蒙 精英網絡 非正式運作 Clan politics Tajikistan Rahmon Elite network Informal practices |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:54:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 氏族政治作為中亞政治制度中的主要運作邏輯,因此呈現出非正式政治凌駕於正式制度的普遍情形。在中亞,選舉制度只是執政者為了實現政權合法性的工具,制度下的非正式運作才是關鍵。本文選定塔吉克斯坦作為探討非正式的國家案例,主要是因為目前學界較缺乏塔國的相關研究。為了解拉赫蒙總統是如何在轉型過程中,透過非正式網絡與運作達成其政權的鞏固,並在後來成為塔國精英網絡中最頂端的恩庇主。本文將透過回顧塔國政治轉型期間的重要事件,以及對塔國重要國營企業塔鋁的探討,從不同的角度去檢視拉赫蒙總統的非正式運作並回答研究問題。此外,在探討案例的同時本文也對總統內圈成員有更深入的了解。
本文採取文獻研究法的方式進行研究,並透過歷史制度主義途徑了解制度變遷與行為者之間的互動關係。本研究發現拉赫蒙總統政權得以鞏固與其網絡的崛起有四個先決條件,分別是受到內部、外部、區域環境與國際情勢的因素影響。另外,本文在探討塔國非正式運作的過程中,整理出了精英網絡與非精英網絡的相異處,並將其製作成塔國整體政治-社會網絡模型。該模型除了可以幫助研究者清楚理解塔國精英與非精英網絡的主要差別之外,也可將其套用在理解其他中亞國家的整體社會-政治網絡架構。 Clan politics, as a commonplace operational logic in the Central Asian political system, it presents a political phenomenon that informal politics override the formal institution. The electoral system only as a tool for rulers to achieve the legitimacy of the regime in Central Asia. In this research, we will discuss Tajikistan as a case study for several reasons that will be mentioned in the text. In order to understand how President Rahmon achieved its progression towards consolidation and became the top patron in the elite network of Tajikistan. This research will examine the informal practices of President Rahmon by reviewing the key events during the political transition and discussing the case of Talco, which is the most important state-owned enterprise in the country. Besides, this research will comprehend more detailed information about President`s inner circle.
This paper adopts the method of document analysis to study, and through the approach of historical institutionalism to understand the interactive relationship between institutional changes and the actors. In the end this research concludes that there are four prerequisites for President Rahmon`s regime consolidated, which are influenced by internal, external, regional and international factors. And also, in the process of exploring the informal network in Tajikistan, this paper discovers the differences between the elite network and the non-elite network, and makes it into a political-social network model. Except from Tajikistan, this model may also be applied to understand the overall political and social network structure of other Central Asian countries. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 中東與中亞研究碩士學位學程 108560003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108560003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201160 |
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