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Title: | 基於羅家倫先生文存數位人文平台之革命與五四運動觀點變遷研究 A Study on the Perspective Change of Revolution and May Fourth Movement based on Digital Humanities Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun’s Writings |
Authors: | 汪佳璇 Wang, Chia-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming 汪佳璇 Wang, Chia-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 數位人文 數位人文研究平台 觀點變遷與年代劃分 人文研究思維 革命 五四運動 Digital humanities Digital humanities research platform Perspective change and chronological division Thinking with the humanities Revolution May Fourth Movement |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:53:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去在傳統的人文研究中,人文學者要進行研究並非易事,常常需要透過大量的紙本文本閱讀,並進行歸納與分析,從而整理、發現文本中的主題脈絡與思想內容,此一過程需要耗費極大的時間與人力。本研究旨在運用「羅家倫先生文存數位人文研究平台」之「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」之數位文本閱讀、檢索及數位人文工具分析功能,輔以研究者更快速且有效的探索羅家倫先生文存中於二十世紀初與中國思想文化的進程具有重大影響的「五四運動」、「青年」、「革命」,是否隨著不同時期歷史事件的發生,而有不同的觀點變遷或者意涵。經由「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」探勘輸入之關鍵字在各時期中關聯程度最高的關聯詞彙,並輔以該工具分群方式協助研究者分析相鄰兩觀察時期是否需要進行分裂或合併,以決定較佳之觀點變遷觀察詞彙與時期切分,再針對數位人文工具所探索出的各時期文本進行內容分析來進行觀點變遷與意涵解讀。分析結果顯示五四運動具有過渡性的特徵,並且與五四運動前後的中國社會發展進行對照後發現,五四運動是一場從思想上、社會政治上的變革,是一個民族國家和社會誕生時會產生的陣痛。本研究基於研究者的歷史背景專業並輔以「羅家倫先生文存數位人文研究平台」之「觀點變遷與年代劃分工具」的數位人文研究模式,可協助研究者觀察在不同時間點的檔案和史料之間的多重脈絡,並進行更具有效性的觀點變遷與意涵解讀,從而開拓出新的人文領域研究模式,對於未來人文研究者以「人文研究思維」與「數位推論技術」結合下所形成的「數位思維邏輯」進行研究模式改變的發展,具有啟發的意義。 It was a hard task for traditional humanities scholars to arrange, analyze, and induce materials by reading through a large number of paper texts, so as to sort out and discover themes, contexts, ideas, and contents. This process often takes a lot of time and manpower. The research lies interests in the question whether the significant concepts and keywords of “May 4th Movement,” “Youth” and “Revolution,” all of which had huge influence on the process of Chinese thought and culture in the early 20th century, change meanings with the occurrence of historical events in different periods. The Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun’s Writings (DHRP-MLCLW) with the Perspective Change and Chronological Division Tool (PCCDT) provides a fast and effective way to assist humanists to conduct digital humanities research by using analytical functions in terms of digital text reading, retrieval, and analysis tools. The research aims to looks into viewpoints and concepts changes, denotations and connotations by analyzing the content of texts and interpreting related words with the highest degree of correlation of the input keywords of different periods. It also takes the tool’s clustering method to help researchers analyze whether two adjacent observation periods need to be split or merged. The research results show that the May 4th Movement has transitional characteristics in the painful form of an ideological, social and political change during the formation of the nation-state and civil society by comparing the different social developments of China before and after the May 4th Movement. With my academic background in history, the research succeeds in inaugurating an effective way of digital humanities and establishing a new research model of the humanities by providing historical materials and archival reading at different time points. It is also expected to show in the research that the “thinking with the humanities” and “digital inference technique” may work hand in hand meaningfully to change traditional research and develop new methods. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班 105913020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105913020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201147 |
Appears in Collections: | [圖書資訊學數位碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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