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Title: | 新自由主義下中國大陸同志自媒體中的「凡人」想像 ——親密關係、情感與同志正典性 Queer as Folk: The Discourse Analysis of Gay Intimacy, Emotion and Homonormativity in Chinese Self-media under Neoliberalism |
Authors: | 李熠 Li, Yi |
Contributors: | 方念萱 Fang, Nien-Hsuan 李熠 Li, Yi |
Keywords: | 同志親密關係 同志正典性 感覺結構 批判論述分析 粉紅經濟 homonormativity gay intimacy feeling of structure critical discourse analysis pink economy |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:52:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 伴隨新自由主義與酷兒全球化,「粉紅經濟」在中國大陸得到發展。本論文 關注在地最著名的商业同志自媒體——「淡蓝」中的論述,藉助批判論述分析, 試圖從同志正典性的視角,分析该自媒體是如何在私領域的情感樣態中建立出 種種規範性論述,以及背後所立基的感覺結構。具體而言,單身同志呈現什麼 樣的的愛情觀念與選擇判斷,什麼樣的同志伴侶與愛情模式被建構為「典範」, 以及論述背後所潛藏的意識形態與不平等。 本文發現,面對競逐化的愛情市場,單身同志在渴望擁抱愛情的過程中逐 漸產生焦慮的感覺結構,特別是在 1/0 的框架下,0 需要付出更多的努力,不 斷自我品牌化、自我提升,以提高戀愛中的「籌碼」。淡藍的建議指出單身同志 需要注重自身的「挑選」能力,不能僅被外表、身體等特徵所迷惑,相反情緒 管理/性格被建構為愛情關係中的重要元素。在戀愛的過程中,淡藍凸顯個體 應該堅持「做自己」,不能畏於外在結構或是伴侶的要求而放棄自己的本真性。 同時淡藍反對過去 1/0 性別腳本單一化的愛情結構,而是更推崇「純粹關係」 的伴侶模式。對於模範夫夫的再現,淡藍自媒體建構出雙方需要「相互促進、 保持進步」的愛情觀,即努力變成「更好的自己」,而這其中最為明顯的特徵是 財富的累積、階級的晉升。 基於商業資本的運作邏輯與中國國內的政治現實,淡藍透過自媒體論述建 構出階序化的愛情。一方面將液態愛貶低化,以二元的視角看待性與愛,以此 建構出「無法被想像的共同體」,劃分出「好/壞同志」,從而強化「正典性」 的同志樣貌以達到使用者持續地投入情感進而維繫「軟體粘性」,同時也配合了 政府 HIV 治理的需要。另一方面,透過新自由主義式的模範愛與浪漫愛的雜糅, 淡藍的論述建構出理想的同志愛情,不僅淡化社會結構的隱形歧視,同時強調 同志愛情的「純潔性」以抵抗污名,並認為「美好生活」是同志個體遵循「本 真性」與「自身努力」就能實現的未來之境。此外,淡藍致力於自身的企業形 象建構以達到長遠的盈利目的,這不僅表現在公司多元文化的型塑上,甚至也 主動挪用「同志國族主義」,將同志個人的成功收編進「中國夢」的論述秩序中, 以此聯結企業與政府、同志個人之間的關係。 With neoliberalism and queer globalization, mainland China`s “pink economy” is growing. The research focuses on the discourses in Blued, one of the most prominent local commercial LGBT self-media, and attempts to analyse how the self-media establishes homonormative and the structures of feeling in the private sphere of emotion. Specifically, how the self-media represents the love of gay singles, what kind of gay couples are constructed as `models` and what ideologies and inequalities are hidden in the discourses.
The research finds gay singles are anxious when they are desiring to embrace love. Especially in the relationship between 1 with 0, 0 needs to put more effort into self- branding and self-improvement to increase the possibility of achieving love. Blued suggests that gay singles need to focus on their own “picking and choosing” skills and not only be confused by physical features and appearance, instead emotion management is an important element in building a relationship. In the process of falling in love, Blue highlights the importance of the individual`s insistence on `being oneself` and not giving up one`s authenticity due to external structures or the demands of one`s partner. At the same time, Blue rejects the traditional love script of 1/0 and instead promotes the `pure relationship` between couples. In the reproduction of the ideal couples, Blue constructs the idea that both partners need to "promote each other and keep improving", that is, to strive to become "better versions of themselves", the most obvious feature of which is the accumulation of wealth and the advancement of class.
Based on the logic of commercial capital and the political environment of China, Blued constructs a hierarchical love through self-media discourse. On the one hand, it devalues liquid love and views sex and love from a binary perspective, thereby constructing an “unimaginable community” and delineating “good/bad gay people”. And Blued reinforces the “normative” gay image to sustain users` emotional engagement and maintain “software stickiness” while also meeting the government`s need for HIV governance. On the other hand, through mixing of neo-liberal model love and romantic love, Blue`s discourses construct the ideal gay love that not only downplays the invisible discrimination of social structures, but also emphasises the `purity` of gay love to resist stigma. Blued argues that the “good life” is a future that can be achieved by gay individuals following their “authenticity” and “self-effort”. Apart from that, Blued is active to build the corporate image for profits, which reflects the company`s multicultural and appropriates homonationalism to integrate success of gay individuals into the discourse of the “Chinese Dream”, thus linking the relationship between the company, the government and gay individuals. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464060 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201335 |
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