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Title: | 廣告訴求類型對行銷成效之影響:探究廣告價值與人格特質之角色 The Effectiveness of Advertising Appeals on Brand Evaluations: The Roles of Advertising Value and Personality Traits |
Authors: | 謝宜玟 Xie, Yi-Wen |
Contributors: | 陳冠儒 Chen, Kuan-Ju 謝宜玟 Xie, Yi-Wen |
Keywords: | 廣告訴求 人格特質 廣告價值 購買意圖 品牌態度 Advertising appeals Personality traits Advertising value Purchase intention Brand attitude |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:50:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 快速消費品產業(Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry)被譽為最貼近人類生活的產業,舉凡日用品、食品、保養品及菸酒等,且非常仰賴廣告來進行品牌傳播。而過往研究多為探討不同訴求類型廣告對消費者行為及態度之影響,較少以消費者本身人格特質之心理變數作為切入點進行探究。 故本研究以消費品中的速食麵作為研究文本,採用網路問卷的蒐集資料方式,取得並分析了326份有效問卷。研究結果顯示消費者的人格特質會對產品購買意願及品牌態度產生影響,進一步分析發現高認知需求之消費者搭配理性訴求之廣告、高情感需求之消費者搭配感性訴求之廣告的情境時具有更佳行銷成效。另外,本研究也探討了廣告價值的中介角色,其在不同廣告訴求類型對產品購買意願的影響,有完全中介效果,對品牌態度則產生部分中介效果;而在不同人格特質對產品購買意願及品牌態度的影響,皆產生部分中介效果。 整體來說,品牌端於實務應用上,應該著墨於如何增強廣告之價值性,進而正向影響目標消費者後續產品購買意願及品牌態度,以提升行銷效益。在實務貢獻上,品牌端能藉由了解目標消費者的性格特質,應採用不同的訴求類型作為廣告溝通策略,以達更好的行銷傳播成效。 The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry (FMCG) is the industry that covers daily necessities, food, care products, tobacco and alcohol, etc., and at the same time relies heavily on adverting for brand communication. Additionally, prior research studies have examined the effects of advertising appeals on consumer behavior and attitude, but rarely have they considered the roles both personality traits and advertising value in the process. As such, with instant noodles as the research context, this study adopted a survey research method with an online questionnaire to collect 326 valid responses. The research results showed that consumers had greater purchase intention and brand attitude when advertising appeals matched with their personality traits. Moreover, advertising value played a mediating role in such a process. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided based on the research findings. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 109363102 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363102 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201424 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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