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    Title: 品牌改變標識對於消費者認知及品牌態度的影響—以Pinkoi為例
    The Effect of Brand Logo Changes on Consumer Perception and Brand Attitude – Taking Pinkoi As An Example
    Authors: 羅育翎
    Lo, Yu-Ling
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Chang, Ai-Hwa
    Lo, Yu-Ling
    Keywords: 品牌標識
    Brand attitude
    Brand familiarity
    Logo design elements
    Logo attitude
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:50:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近年許多品牌進行品牌重塑,以宣告其經營策略或是品牌精神的改變,而其中視覺上的改變,例如品牌標識的更新,最容易被大眾察覺,亦在新聞媒體及網路社群中引起大量討論。本研究選定於2019年改變品牌標識的台灣電商品牌Pinkoi作為研究目標,並以消費者的品牌熟悉度、對於品牌新標識的評價及態度、認知標識與品牌間的一致性為變數,來了解品牌的新標識是否會對消費者對於品牌的態度有所改變。


    In recent years, many brands declare the strategic change or brand renewal by rebranding. Since people find the changes on visual identity the most noticeable, it is usually a hot topic after an announcement of the new logo from a famous brand.

    This study chooses an e-commerce brand, Pinkoi, as the research object, to investigate the relationship between brand familiarity, logo evaluation, logo attitude, brand-logo congruency, and brand attitude. The study conducts an online survey to collect responses to questionnaire and 276 validated questionnaires are collected. Then the respondents will respond to their brand familiarity, logo evaluation, brand-logo congruency, attitudes toward the new logo, the degree of understanding the motivations of the rebranding and their attitudes toward the brand with the redesigned logo in sequence.

    The results show that, brand familiarity would not affect logo evaluation nor logo attitude; however, it would positively affect brand-logo congruency. The logo design elements such as color and typeface would positively affect logo evaluation and thus have an impact on brand attitude. The findings also show that after understanding the motivations of redesigning the logo, the respondents will show more positive attitude toward the brand. Therefore, it is recommended that brand communicate the reasons for changing the logo with their customers and ensure that the redesigned logo can be aligned with the strategic change to improve customer’s attitude toward the brand.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻

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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363089
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201342
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