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Title: | 福利政策的地方政治:以阿根廷與印尼爲例 The Politics of Subnational Welfare Provision: Cases of Argentina and Indonesia |
Authors: | 葉皓勤 Jerzewski, Marcin Mateusz |
Contributors: | 蘇彥斌 Su, Yen-Pin 葉皓勤 Marcin Mateusz Jerzewski |
Keywords: | 社會政策 次國家政治 恩庇侍從主義 有條件現金轉移支付 阿根廷 印尼 social policy subnational politics patron-clientelism Conditional Cash Transfers Argentina Indonesia |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:45:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究試圖解釋為何一國的全國性社會政策會有地域差異。具體而言,本研究聚焦於有條件現金轉移支付(Conditional Cash Transfer, CCT)政策的實施,這種政策的主要特點在於追求短期扶貧和長期人力資本發展。目前大多數關於有條件現金轉移支付的文獻主要著重探討政策成果,卻少有研究解釋為何這類社會政策在實施過程中會出現地方層次的差異,亦即:為什麽一些地區比其他地區更有可能從中央政府的有條件現金轉移支付計劃中受益?為了回答這個問題,本研究利用多層次治理理論來分析阿根廷的「普遍兒童社會保護津貼」 和印尼的「家庭希望計劃」。本研究提出並驗證以下假設:當一個地方行政區的首長和總統隸屬不同政黨時,該行政區比較不會配合有條件現金轉移政策的執行。本研究對於阿根廷與印尼的實證分析結果顯示,當一個地方行政區的首長隸屬反對黨,則該行政區的有條件現金轉移覆蓋率會比較低;而在進一步進行質化分析後,本文發現印尼的「家庭希望計劃」相對更容易受到地方精英與侍從主義的影響。總體而言,此研究在發展中國家福利政策和多層次治理的文獻上做出了貢獻,並突顯未來開展跨區域理論構建和比較分析有其必要性。 The primary objective of this study is to evaluate what factors produce subnational territorial differentiation in national social program implementation. Specifically, I focus on the implementation of conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs whose main feature is the simultaneous targeting of short-term poverty alleviation goals and long-term human capital development objectives. The existing literature on CCTs focuses primarily on the program outcomes; however, an important understudied aspect of these programs is their implementation, and specifically subnational variation in social program implementation. Why are some subnational units more likely to receive benefits from the national government’s CCT programs than others? To answer this question, I apply the multilevel governance theory to analyze the cases of Argentine Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH; Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection) and the Indonesian Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH; Family Hope Program) programs. I hypothesize that when the opposition party governs a subnational government, this subnational unit tends to implement the CCT program less comprehensively. Using subnational-level data from Argentina and Indonesia, the quantitative analysis demonstrates that political opposition decreases CCT coverage rates in both case study countries. Qualitative analysis demonstrates that the PKH program is comparatively more susceptible to local elite capture and patronage-based distribution. Overall, this study contributes to literature on welfare policies in the Global South and multilevel governance and demonstrates the need for future work aimed at cross-regional theory building and comparative analysis. |
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