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    Title: 保險科技對保險公司組織變革、商業模式影響之研究-以國泰金控為例
    The Impact of Insurtech on the Organizational Change and Business Model of Insurance Company- The Case of Cathay Financial Holdings
    Authors: 江欣育
    Chiang, Hsin-Yu
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Chiang, Hsin-Yu
    Keywords: 保險產業
    Insurance industry
    Organizational change
    Business model
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:45:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當Tesla與Amazon等全球知名企業紛紛宣佈跨足保險領域,使得世界各地掀起發展及投資保險科技之旋風。保險科技的出現對於傳統保險供應商的組織運作、商業模式、競爭者、產品開發流程以及與消費者互動的方式等,皆帶來顛覆式改變,傳統保險供應商的競爭者不再僅限於同業,而是包括保險科技新創業者、以及更多異業甚至是科技巨擘,這些業者紛紛跨足保險業準備瓜分保險市場。而我國金管會也在2016年發布「金融科技發展策略白皮書」,旨在促進台灣金融服務業與資通訊產業合作打造智慧金融機構,強化風險的控管,並鼓勵保險業者投入金融科技的發展及研發創新的保險商品,以期提升競爭力並帶給顧客更好的服務。



    結論一、 我國保險業者為因應保險科技的衝擊,會進行結構及行為的調適,以加速將保險科技應用於各項服務商品的開發。
    結論二、 我國保險業者在保險科技的輔助下,其商業模式會由過去的產品導向轉為顧客導向,故將以需求端為主之商業模式做為變革的開端。另外,除了強化對於既有顧客的了解,也會增加外部之關鍵活動以開發新的客群,與此同時打破時空限制,建立無孔不入之場景保險,達到密不可分的顧客關係。
    結論三、 我國保險業者為因應保險科技的衝擊,會調整其組織架構與強化專業化及精細化,以建立更完善之顧客關係,同時也會在獲客與知客階段同時並進,以促使商品開發上朝碎片化保單前進,進而降低保險產品的同質性並吸引新興鎖定的目標客群。
    結論四、 我國保險業者為因應保險科技的衝擊,會強化其技術能力,以提升其營運效率達成數據賦能之價值主張,並使其商業模式的設計上,可以更加精準地預測市場反應。

    When global leading companies such as Tesla and Amazon entry into the insurance field, a whirlwind of development and investment in Insurtech has been set off around the world. The emergence of Insurtech has brought subversive changes to traditional insurers organization, business models, competitors, product development processes, and consumer interaction methods. The competitors of traditional insurers are no longer limited to peers, but also include Insurtech new entrepreneurs, as well as more different industries and even technology giants, have stepped into the insurance industry and prepared to carve up the insurance market. In 2016, the FSC released the "Fintech Development Strategy White Paper", which aims to promote the cooperation between Taiwan`s financial services industry and the information and communication industry to build smart financial institutions, strengthen the of risks controlment, and encourage insurance companies to invest in fintech innovation and insurance research and development commodities. To bring people innovative and convenient services.

    However, global premium growth sluggishly and competition has been more intensified. When traditional insurers encounter Insurtech, whether it is a help or a hindrance depends on whether each insurer can flexibly adjust its internal organization to respond to changes in the internal and external environment and whether it can make good use of Insurtech to flexibly integrate it into its business model and increase the competitive advantage of the industry.

    As far as the literature is concerned, previous studies on the influence of Insurtech on insurance companies mostly focused on product or service innovation, and rarely observed and discussed the business model and the organizations. In addition, Insurtech is a new topic, and relevant paper is relatively lacking. To fill this research gap, this research takes organizational change and business model as the starting point, selects the domestic insurance industry leaders as the research object, and explores how the impact of the internal organization and business model of insurance companies in response to the emergence of Insurtech. The main conclusions of this study are as follows:

    Conclusion 1: In response to the impact of Insurtech, the Taiwanese insurance companies tend to adjust their structure and behavior to accelerate the implementation of insurtech in the Taiwanese market.
    Conclusion 2: With the Insurtech, the business model of Taiwanese insurance companies tend to change from “product-oriented” to “customer-oriented”. Therefore, the business model elements focusing on the demand side will be the beginning of the transformation, and new target customers will be developed by increasing external key activities and strengthen the understanding of existing customers. At the same time break the time and space constraints, establish a pervasive scene insurance, and achieve an inseparable customer relationship.
    Conclusion 3: In response to the impact of Insurtech, Taiwanese insurance companies tend to adjust their organizational structure through a more specialized and refined division of labor to establish a more complete customer relationship. Moving towards fragmented policies to reduce the homogeneity of insurance products and attract emerging target customers.
    Conclusion 4: In response to the impact of Insurtech, Taiwanese insurance companies tend to improve the level of organizational technology, to achieve the value proposition of data empowerment, improve operational efficiency, and enable business models to more accurately predict market responses in the design stage.

    At the end of thesis, the academic contribution, practical implications, and follow-up research suggestions of this research are further elaborated.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364125
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201383
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