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Title: | 建造忠誠迴路:以在地場景實驗顧客體驗 Building Loyalty Loop: Experimenting Customer Experience with Local Scenarios |
Authors: | 葉植詠 Yeh, Jhih-Yung |
Contributors: | 蕭瑞麟 Hsiao, Ruey-Lin 葉植詠 Yeh, Jhih-Yung |
Keywords: | 服務設計 在地行為 場景設計 情境實踐 忠誠迴路 Service design Local behaviors Scenario-based design Situated practices Loyalty loop |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:44:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 受到使用者支付行為的變遷與新冠肺炎疫情的爆發的影響,企業皆奮力投入電子支付事業,推出各式服務創新。然而,企業越是急於推展新服務,就越容易忽視使用者行為,使服務淪為大同小異,難以差異化體驗的困境。不深入理解行為,企業便難以描繪清晰的用戶輪廓,服務自然無法脫穎而出,也難以建立顧客的忠誠。行為觀點強調,體察顧 客行為需分析外在條件、理解行為樣貌、預測行為變遷。另一方面體驗觀點則延伸,使用者行為的分析應該引導服務績效的改善以及愉悅的感受。然而,雙方觀點似乎都忽略,服務設計需著重於顧客體驗,是不能夠脫離與微觀的在地行為。我們必須探索情境實踐的場景,才能夠深入理解顧客的痛點,發展合適的服務。本案例研究檢視一套電子支付系統,來探索創新採納的在地行為。理論上,本研究發現解釋電子支付如何在制約的狀況下被採納,並且探索顧客在地行為的場景分析如何透露痛點的洞見。這樣的分析可以改善特殊行為的能見度,並且考量彈性的創新採用方式。實務上,本研究透過描繪顧客的在地行為,提出場景分析的作法;並點出,體會在地脈絡將可以橋接新服務與顧客的習慣實務,最終建造正向的忠誠迴路。 Influenced by the shift in user payment behavior and the outbreak of Covid-19, enterprises strive to invest in e-payment (electronic payment) business and prmote various new services. However, as enterprises rush into new services, they are likely to ignore customer behaviour, resulting in common services and undifferentiated experience. Without a deep understanding of behaviour, firms are unable to delineate user profile and develop outstanding services so as to build customer loyalty. The behaviour view stresses that, to appreciate customer behaviour, one must analyze the external condition, comprehend behavioural pattern and predict behavioural shift. On the other hand, the experience view extends that the analysis of user behaviour should lead to improvement of service performance as well as pleasant sentiment. However, both standpoints seem to neglect that, service design need to attend to customer experience and thus must not detach from the micro-foundation of local behaviours. We need to explore the scenario of situated practices so as to comprehend customers’ painpoints and develop appropriate services. This case study examines an e-payment (electronic payment) system, in order to explore local behaviour within innovation adoption. In theory, the findings explain how e-payment could be adopted within constrained functions and explore how scenario analysis of customers’ local behaviour could reveal insightful painpoints. Such analysis may improve the visibility of idiosyncratic behaviours and consider the flexible use of innovation. In practice, this study proffers a scenario-based design approach by delineating the customer’s local behaviours. The appreciation of local context would align new services with habitual practices, eventually creating a vircuous loop of loyalty. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364104 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364104 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201350 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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