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    Title: 科技金融潮流下電子商務之金流機制- 論第三方支付系統
    Legal Study on Third-Party Payment System under the Fintech Trend on Electronic Commerce
    Authors: 陳叔媛
    Chen, Shu-Yuan
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Chen, Shu-Yuan
    Keywords: 電子支付
    Third-Party Payment
    Payment Service Act,
    Cross-Border E-Commerce
    Payment Services Directive
    Cross-Border Cash Flow
    regulations on the management of electronic payment institutions
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:44:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自全球化發展以來,電子商務之金流支付機制,已然成為現今社會金融市場 發展之重點,特別是自 2019 年爆發嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)後,新興 之電子支付模式更是多元崛起,而第三方支付得提供買賣雙方信用擔保之中介服 務,為買賣雙方節省支付成本,儼然成為最具發展性之支付模式。

    然各國對於第三方支付業者之法律定位莫衷一是,而第三方支付業者之法律 定位對於監管機關為何、監管機關所適用之監管標準至關重要,歐盟以《支付服 務指令》(Payment Services Directive, Directive 2015/2366/EU)將第三方支付業者 定位為金融機構;美國則以《統一資金服務法》(Uniform Money Service Act)將 其定位為資金傳輸者;中國大陸則依照《非金融機構支付服務管理辦法》將其定 位為非金融機構;我國則依業務經營性質分別適用主關機關為金管會之《電子支 付機構管理條例》與主管機關為經濟部之《第三方支付服務定型化契約應記載及 不得記載事項》,鑑於第三方支付業者於國際上係立於不同之法律定位,是各國 所採取知監管標準與配套措施亦不相同。

    本研究將綜合經濟層面、法制層面之角度,分析各國第三方支付之源起背景 與需求,探討第三方支付業者之法律定位與應遵循之法律規範,進而比較各國之 法制規範,本研究將著重於歐盟、美國、中國大陸與我國立法例之比較,點明第 三方支付於國際上既有問題,並觀察各國對於第三方支付之監理創新,審視我國 2022 年 1 月 27 日修正之電子支付機構管理條例,討論我國目前法制對於第三方 支付市場興起所將面臨之困難,最終提出何以使我國建構出更健全之電子支付市 場與環境之修法建議,使我國之支付系統得以與全球市場接軌。
    With the development of the electronic commerce, mobile payment system has greatly changed the cash flow of online-consumptions. The outbreak of COVID-19 has no doubly accelerated the progress of the payment system. Third-Party Payment now provides a convenient and reliable transection model for both sellers and buyers, with the benefits of decreasing the transaction cost and reducing the transaction risk.

    The regulatory framework of Third-Party Payment differs in each country. In European Union (hereinafter referred to as EU), Third-Party Payment has been defined as financial institution under Directive 2015/2366/EU and would be supervised in a higher stander by the supervision. On the other hand, in USA, Third-Party Payment has been defined as money transmitter, which also been deemed as financial institution, under Uniform Money Service Act. While, Mainland China defines it as a non-financial institution. However, the entry of the Third-Party Paymen industy in Mainlans China is way more stirck than EU and USA. As for Taiwan, Third-Party Paymen is governed under mutilple Acts. There are still many concerns and controversial legal issues to be studied.

    This paper analyses the background and the regulatory framework of the Third- Party Paymen in EU, USA, Mainland China and Taiwan both in market and regulation aspects. This paper sorts out pros and cons of regulations in EU, USA, Mainland China and Taiwan, and the suggestions towards the legal development of Third-Party Paymen in Taiwan as conclusion.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364207
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201219
    Appears in Collections:[科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文

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