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    Title: 以延伸型整合性科技接受模型與網路特性探討線上募資課程之使用與購買意圖
    Explore the Usage and Purchase Intention of Crowdfunding Online Courses based on UTAUT2 Model and Network Features
    Authors: 林亮妤
    Lin, Liang-Yu
    Contributors: 陳聖智

    Chen, Sheng-Chih
    Shang, Shari S. C.

    Lin, Liang-Yu
    Keywords: 線上募資課程
    Crowdfunding Online Courses
    Usage intention
    Purchase intention
    Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2)
    Network features
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:42:37 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在COVID-19疫情壓力之下,民眾對於數位學習需求提升,而群眾募資無論在案件數或募資金額也皆突破歷史新高,線上募資課程作為數位學習之課程種類之一,加入了群眾募資概念,成為一種新型態的線上課程。
    There has been an increase in demand for digital learning since the outbreak of COVID-19. In addition, the skyrocket in number of successful crowdfunding cases and the continuous breaking in new records of the amount of funds raised. As a result, crowdfunding online courses, which combined with the concept of crowdfunding and digital learning, became a new type of online course.
    This study uses “unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2)” model as the research framework to identify factors that affect consumers’ usage intention and purchase intention of crowdfunding online courses. Additionally, network features were used as moderator variable to realize the moderation effect between variables. This study was conducted via online questionnaire survey, which 353 response were collected, of which 323 questionnaires were valid samples. The effective rate was 91.5%.
    The findings of the study are as follows:
    1. More than 90% of the respondents have online learning experience, and 13.9% of them have experience in crowdfunding online courses. Almost 70% of the respondents have heard of crowdfunding online courses, and more than 30% of the respondents have purchased the courses. Most of them have purchased a crowdfunding online course once.
    2. For crowdfunding online courses, there is no significant difference in the perception of the UTAUT2 variables between different genders. Consumers who live in the “Northern Region” have positive views on all variables. The occupational types “student” and “industry, commerce and service” have positive views on most variables. And those with education level of “Universities and colleges” and “master degree or above” have positive views on the variables ”performance expectancy” and “price value”.
    3. The variables “hedonic motivation”, “habit”, “price value” and “social influence” all have positive impact on consumers’ “usage intention” of crowdfunding online courses. And “usage intention” has positive impact on “purchase intention”.
    4. “Network features” has a moderation effect on the variables “performance expectancy”, “effort expectancy” and “facilitating conditions”. Network features will positively affect the relationship between performance expectancy and usage intention, between effort expectancy and usage intention, and between facilitating conditions and usage intention.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201159
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