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    Title: 科技發展暨相關企業之國家權力角色: 以 Facebook(Meta)試圖發行 Libra 幣為例
    The Role of National Power in Technology Development and Relevant Enterprises: Facebook’s Attempt Issuing Libra As an Example
    Authors: 田雨騰
    Tien, Yu-Teng
    Contributors: 李明
    Lee, Ming
    Tien, Yu-Teng
    Keywords: 權力
    Technology Company
    Digital Sovereignty
    Social Networking Site
    Decentralized Finance
    Cloud Service
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:36:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 權力(power)的概念長期被用以討論國與國關係,並以此衡量一國影響他國行為的能力。有許多學者相繼提出影響國家權力消長的要素,其中又以摩根索(Hans J. Morgenthau)所提出的九項要素最為經典,具有周詳性與層次性。土地大小、人口數量、工業製造能力等直接影響國家權力的大小,此原則根本不變。然而在人類社會網路化逐漸成熟的現代,出現許多新興要素直接或間接影響著國家的權力消長,如網路社群成為輿論散播的強力媒介且難以被政府控管,而線下設備與武器紛紛網路化與系統化,使科技供應鍊的資本集中增加了非持有國的敏感性(sensitivity)與脆弱度(vulnerability)。科技企業透過資訊落差與數位能力,成為對於權力要素更具形塑力的新角色,企業領導人擁有直接與大國首相談判的影響力。政府如何理解與因應這些新時代的挑戰與機會,成為下一個世代增進國家安全與外交品質的重要課題。
    The concept of power has long been used to discuss state-to-state relations and measure a state`s ability to influence others` behavior. Many scholars have successfully put forward the factors that affect the rise and fall of state power, among which the nine elements proposed by Hans J. Morgenthau are the most classic, detailed, and hierarchical. The size of land, population, and industrial manufacturing capacity directly affect the power of a country, and this principle remains fundamentally unchanged. However, in the modern age when human society is gradually networked by the internet, many emerging factors directly or indirectly affect the power of the country. For example, online communities have become a powerful medium for public opinion dissemination and are difficult to be controlled by the government. Networking and systematization have made the capital concentration of the technology supply chain increase the sensitivity and vulnerability of countries. Through information gaps and digital capabilities, technology companies have become new roles of power shaping, and business leaders directly negotiate with the major powers` prime ministers. How the government understands and responds to the challenges and opportunities of the new era has become an important issue for the next generation to improve national security and diplomatic quality.
    Reference: 中文部分



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