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Title: | 俄羅斯與美國太空發展之比較分析 A Comparative Analysis of the Development of Outer Space in Russia and the USA |
Authors: | 萊斯拉 Dubinkina, Larisa |
Contributors: | 林永芳 Lin, Yung-Fang 萊斯拉 Dubinkina, Larisa |
Keywords: | 太空 俄羅斯 美國 太空政治 太空經濟 Outer space Russia USA Space politics Space economy |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:36:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著太空領域在世界範圍內獲得越來越多的發展,迫使不同國家將外太空視為政治和經濟活動的新舞台,而俄羅斯和美國是 20 世紀中葉開始探索的先驅國家。如今,俄羅斯和美國都是航天工業的領先國家,在組織航天項目方面擁有最豐富的經驗。本文包括對俄羅斯和美國太空領域的比較分析,重點關注三個方面:政治、經濟和國際合作。本研究的主要目的是定義並且分析俄羅斯和美國太空領域發展的具體特徵。在政治方面,俄羅斯和美國的目標都是通過制定國際法、建立衛星系統和國家導彈防禦系統來為國家安全發展空間能力。這個議題與太空武器化(weaponization)和軍事化(militarization)問題有密切關聯。太空的經濟方面反映了 21 世紀太空商業化的全球趨勢以及創造太空工業如何運作的新模式。私人太空部門的現有潛力也為競爭和創新創造了新平台。國際合作也是太空發展的一個重要指標,是國家政治動機的結果,既反映了政治進程,也反映了國家融入國際關係的情況。本文研究了太空領域,以便對太空探索進行廣泛概述,並確定其未來潛力。不僅適用於領先的太空國家,也適用於太空工業的新參與者。 The space sphere is gaining more and more development in the world, forcing different countries to consider outer space as a new arena of political and economic activity. Russia and the United States are pioneer countries that began to explore outer space in the middle of the 20th century. Today, both Russia and the United States are the leading countries in the space industry and have the richest experience in organizing space programs. This paper includes a comparative analysis of the space sector in Russia and the USA with the focus on three aspects: politics, economics and international cooperation. The main purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the specific features of the space sector development in Russia and the United States. In terms of politics, both Russia and the United States aim to develop space capabilities for national security through establishing international space law, creating satellite systems and systems of national missile defense. This topic is closely related to the issue of weaponization and militarization of space. The economic side of space reflects the global trend of the 21st century towards space commercialization and the creation of new models of how the space industry functions. The existing potential of the private space sector also creates a new platform for competition and innovations. International cooperation is an important indicator of space development as well, and is a consequence of the political motives of states, reflecting both the political course and the integration of countries into international relations. This paper examines the space sector in order to create a broad overview of space exploration and identify its future potential not only for the leading space states, but also for new players in the space industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 俄羅斯研究所 108263013 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201241 |
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