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Title: | 幼「幼」銜接 -公立幼兒園兩歲專班銜接之研究 A Study on Transition from Two-Year-Old Class to Preschool |
Authors: | 林書慧 Lin, Shu-Hui |
Contributors: | 徐聯恩 Hsu, Lien-An 林書慧 Lin, Shu-Hui |
Keywords: | 公立幼兒園 兩歲專班 幼幼銜接 混齡班 三歲幼兒自理能力 public preschool Two-year-old class Transition from two-year-old class to preschool Mixed-age class Three-year-old child`s self-care ability |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:34:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 幼托整合後,公立幼兒園開辦兩歲專班,相關議題也漸受矚目。本研究聚焦於兩歲專班直升混齡班的銜接議題,經由訪談臺北市三間公立幼兒園教保員、幼教師及家長,探討兩歲專班銜接混齡班的現況、銜接前後幼兒的學習及適應問題、親師間看待二和三歲幼兒的教/學觀點差異,以及其對兩歲專班銜接的體認與期待,探討並歸納幼幼銜接過程的困境以及幼兒需求,剖析親、師、生在兩歲專班銜接規劃上扮演的角色。
一、公立幼兒園兩歲專班和混齡班隔閡大,班級和學年之間都缺乏例行性討論與共識。 二、公立幼兒園內部缺乏兩歲專班完整的銜接規劃與過程。 三、親師間缺乏事前溝通與協調,親師對教與學的期待有落差。 四、師生比影響教學和親師互動品質,三歲混齡班的幼兒人數宜下修。 五、三歲幼兒應建立五大生活自理能力,有待親師建立共識並共同努力。 六、幼兒個體適應性受家庭生活和個體差異影響。
一、對教學現場之建議: (一)公幼內部建立兩歲專班銜接制度,包括:規劃兩歲專班與混齡班教師的定期溝通、建立共識、訂定銜接計畫;(二)建立兩歲專班的例行性雙向親師溝通制度,舉辦期末直升座談會與暑假班;(三)親師共同建立三歲幼兒教學與發展目標,培養幼兒五大自理能力,增強幼兒進入混齡班後適應力。 二、對家長之建議:(一)良善的親師關係,有助於幼兒銜接順利,宜平時參與親師溝通;(二) 家庭生活影響幼兒個體適應性,宜平時與教師協力,共同促進幼兒的發展。 三、對教育機關之建議:(一)有限度的混齡教學;(二)增班需求與教學現場的平衡;(三)降低三歲混齡班師生比,並加強師培職訓課程。 四、對後續研究之建議:(一)探討混齡班上不同課程模式對幼幼銜接是否有影響?(二)探討中小混齡,在幼幼銜接上,是否優於大中小混齡?(三)探討三歲分齡編班,是否有利於幼幼銜接?(四)探討具有教保員、幼教師雙重資格之師資,是否有利於幼幼銜接?(五)以田野研究設計,深入探討幼幼銜接過程中的現象與問題。 Since the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools, the minimum age for admissions to public preschools has been revised down to two, and the number of two-year-old classes has considerably increased. The follow-up issues of two-year-old classes continue to simmer in public preschools. This study aims to explore the transition from two-year-old class to mixed-age class. It adopts the qualitative research method, in which the researcher interviewed preschool caregivers, teachers, and parents from three public preschools in Taipei City. Through the interviews, the researcher examines the current situations of bridging two-year-old classes into mixed-age classes, the problems of learning and adaption for children before and after direct entry to mixed-age classrooms, the differences in parent-teacher perspectives on two- and three-year-old children`s teaching and learning, as well as the recognition and ideals of transition from two-year-old to mixed-age classes. Furthermore, the researcher analyzes the roles of parents, teachers, and children in planning a bridge between two-year-old classes and mixed-age classes and concludes the practical difficulties in the transition and the children`s needs.
The results are as follows:
1. A big gap between two-year-old classes and mixed-age classes, and no routine discussions and consensus between classes in public preschools. 2. No comprehensive plans and process for the transition from two-year-old classes to preschool. 3. There is a gap between parents` and teachers` expectations in teaching and learning for children aged two and three. 4. The teacher-child ratio affects the quality of learning and interaction, and the number of children in a three-year-old mixed-age classes should be revised downward. 5. Three-year-old children should establish five major life self-care abilities, which need to be established by their parents and teachers and work together. 6. The individual adaptability of young children is affected by family life and individual differences.
Based on the results of the study, the suggestions for practical situations and follow-up studies are addressed as follows:
1. For learning environments: (1) Establish a bridge system for two-year-old classes to mixed-age classes, including: planning regular communication between teachers of two-year-old classes and mixed-age classes, building consensus, and formulating transition plans; (2) Establish a routine two-way parent-teacher communication system for two-year-old classes, and hold end-of-term seminars and summer vacation classes; (3) Parents and teachers jointly establish three-year-old children`s teaching and development goals, cultivate children`s five self-care abilities, and enhance children`s adaptability after entering mixed-age classes. 2. For parents: (1) A good parent-teacher relationship helps children to connect smoothly, so they should participate in parent-teacher communication; (2) Family life affects children’s individual adaptability, so it is advisable to work with teachers to promote children’s development. 3. For education authorities: (1) limited mixed-age teaching; (2) balance between the need and the teaching site; (3) reduce the teacher-student ratio in three-year-old mixed-age classes, and strengthen teacher empowerment courses 4. For follow-up research: (1) Discuss whether different curriculum models in mixed-age classes have an impact on the transition? (2) Discuss whether the mixed age of middle and small age is better than the mixed age of large, middle and small in terms of transition? (3) Discuss whether the three-year-old grouping of classes is conducive to the transition? (4) Discuss whether teachers with dual qualifications of education guards and preschool teachers are conducive to the transition? (5) Using field research design, to deeply explore the phenomenon and problems in the process of young children`s transition. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 107157002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107157002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201170 |
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