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Title: | 臺灣高等教育機構創業教育成效指標建構之研究 A Study of Indicators Construction of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education in Taiwan |
Authors: | 簡仕欣 Chien, Shih-Hsin |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 Chin, Meng-Chun 簡仕欣 Chien, Shih-Hsin |
Keywords: | 高等教育 創業教育 創業教育成效指標 Higher education Entrepreneurship education Indicators construction of entrepreneurship education |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:33:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在建構臺灣高等教育機構創業教育成效指標建構之研究,藉以評估臺灣高等教育機構創業教育之成效品質。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析探究創業教育相關意涵、臺灣創業教現況、國內外創業教育成效研究之內容,再以專家問卷以及模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。專家問卷為7位、模糊德菲術問卷為12位之創業教育政府官員、學者專家、學校創業教育業務主管、及具大學經營治理經驗領導者。透過模糊德菲法整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選指標項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項指標權重,共6個主構面、17個次構面、及47項指標。根據研究結果與分析,歸納主要結論及建議如下:
壹、結論 一、主構面權重以「制度管理」為最高。 二、「制度管理」主構面 次構面權重以「制度計畫」與「行政支援」同最高。指標權重以「提供創業課程學生之獎勵金、助學金、或補助金」為最高。 三、「校園文化」主構面 次構面權重以「創業倫理」為最高。指標權重以「形塑具有創業思維 及氛圍的校園文化」、及「提供師生創業符於安全、人權、與法律的措施」同最高。 四、「設施經費」主構面 次構面權重以「經費運用」最高。指標權重以「爭取政府補助或獎勵經費」最高。 五、「課程教學」主構面 次構面權重以「課程設計」最高。指標權重以「發展啟發學生創業精神的教學活動」最高。 六、「創業活動」主構面 次構面權重以「創業輔導」最高。指標權重以「建立創業導師輔導與諮詢之機制」最高。 七、「永續經營」主構面 次構面權重以「聲譽認同」最高。指標權重以「建立學生創業學習定期評量和檢核機制」、及「建立自我評鑑及改善回饋機制」同最高。
貳、建議 一、對中央教育行政機關之建議 (一)據此指標系統瞭解臺灣高等教育機構創業教育成效。 (二)整合資源協助高等教育機構創業教育成效之發展。 (三)將創業教育成效作為臺灣高等教育機構永續經營之一環。 二、對高等教育機構之建議 (一)完善學校創業教育的制度管理。 (二)重視參與創業課程活動師生的激勵措施。 (三、形塑具創業氛圍及創業安全的校園文化。 (四)規劃創業點子發展的活動與空間。 (五)發展能啟發學生創業精神的教學活動。 (六)提供協助師生創業的輔導諮詢管道。 (七)建立學校創業教育的評鑑機制。 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)嘗試其他研究方法考驗指標適用性。 (二)擴大研究樣本範圍。 (三)發展效用總值更高之指標。 (四)持續更新合於高等教育機構創業教育發展之指標系統。 The purpose of the study was to construct the indicators of entrepreneurship education in higher education in taiwan. Research methods include literature analysis, Fuzzy Delphi technique. Firstly, using literature analysis to explore the meaning of entrepreneurship education, the current situation of entrepreneurship education in Taiwan, and the content of research on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education at home and abroad. Then the expert questionnaire and the Fuzzy Delphi technique questionnaire were used to investigate. The expert questionnaire was 7, and the fuzzy Delphi questionnaire was 12 government officials, scholars experts, school entrepreneurship education business managers, and leaders with university management experience. Finally, the weights of each dimension and each indicator are obtained by normalization, with a total of 6 main dimensions, 17 sub-dimensions, and 47 indicators. The main conclusions are as follows:
1. The main dimension weight of " institutional management" is the highest. 2. Institutional management The sub-dimension highest weight is the same as "system plan" and "administrative support". Indicator weights of “Incentives, bursaries, or grants for entrepreneurship program students” is the highest. 3. Campus culture The sub-dimension weight of "entrepreneurial ethics" is the highest. Indicator highest weights is the same as "shape entrepreneurial thinking and atmosphere of the campus culture”and “provide teachers and students with entrepreneurial measures in line with safety, human rights, and the law". 4. Facility and funding The sub-dimension weight of " use of funds " is the highest. Indicator weights of "strive for government grants or incentives cost" is the highest. 5. Course and teaching The sub-dimension weight of "course design" is the highest. Indicator weights of "development and enlightenment of students` entrepreneurship teaching activities" is the highest. 6. Entrepreneurial activities The sub-dimension weight of “entrepreneurial counseling” is the highest. Indicator weights of "establishing entrepreneurial mentorship and mechanism of consultation" is the highest. 7. Sustainable operation The sub-dimension weight of "reputation recognition" is the highest. Indicator highest weights is the same as "establishment of students` entrepreneurial learning period assessment and review mechanism" and "establishment of self-assessment and improvement feedback mechanism".
The main suggestions are as follows: 1. Suggestions on the central education administrative organs (1) According to this indicator system, learn about the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education in Taiwan`s higher education institutions. (2) Integrated resources to assist in the development of entrepreneurial education in higher education institutions. (3) Take the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education as one of the sustainable operations of Taiwan higher education institutions.
2.Suggestions on higher education institutions (1) Improve the system management of school entrepreneurial education. (2) Incentive measures to attach importance to participating in entrepreneurial curriculum activities teachers and students. (3) The campus culture of the formation of shaped tools and the safety of entrepreneurship. (4) The activity and space of planning the development of entrepreneurship ideas. (5) Development of teaching activities that inspire students` entrepreneurial spirit. (6) Provide counseling and consulting channels to assist teachers and students to start a business. (7) Establish an evaluation mechanism for school entrepreneurship education.
3.Suggestions for participating in future research (1) Try other research methods to test the applicability of indicators. (2) Expand the scope of research samples. (3) Index with higher total value for development. (4) Continue to update the index system to ensure that the development of entrepreneurial education in advancement of higher education institutions is used. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 教育學系 102152505 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102152505 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201276 |
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