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Title: | 台灣振興三倍券之總體經濟效果分析 Macroeconomic Effects of Triple Stimulus Vouchers in Taiwan |
Authors: | 楊雅茹 Yang, Ya-Ru |
Contributors: | 朱琇妍 Chu, Shiou-Yen 楊雅茹 Yang, Ya-Ru |
Keywords: | 振興三倍券 民間消費 新型冠狀病毒肺炎 財政政策 動態隨機一般均衡模型 Triple Stimulus Vouchers Private consumption COVID-19 Fiscal policy DSGE model |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:28:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2019年末爆發的新型冠狀病毒肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情造成全球經濟嚴重衰退,亦讓台灣的民間消費出現歷年來最低迷的景況。中央政府為求刺激國內消費而決定發放振興三倍券,期望能藉此提振消費者信心與帶動受疫情影響產業之營收表現。 本研究建構了一個動態隨機一般均衡 (Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium,DSGE) 模型,並透過模擬台灣振興三倍券政策的衝擊,以探討此政策對總體經濟的影響。研究結果發現,振興三倍券政策在短期內可以達到活絡內需市場的效果,並提高民間消費量。其中,非耐久財的消費成長相較於耐久財更為顯著。經濟體中的總體通貨膨脹率亦提高。此外,模擬成果也觀察到此政策能提升勞動投入量,促進就業市場回溫。 The outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019 caused a severe recession in the global economy, and Taiwan`s private consumption was at its lowest level in history. In order to spur domestic consumption, the central government issued Triple Stimulus Vouchers, hoping to increase consumer confidence and boost the revenue performance of industries affected by the pandemic. This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model and simulates the shock of Taiwan`s Triple Stimulus Vouchers program to explore the macroeconomic effects of this policy. The results indicate that the Triple Stimulus Vouchers program could achieve the effect of activating the domestic demand market in the short term and increase private consumption. Among them, the growth of non-durables is more significant than that of durables. The overall inflation rate also rose. In addition, the simulation results also revealed that this policy contributed to the increase of labor input and promoted the recovery of the job market. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政學系 108255013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108255013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201439 |
Appears in Collections: | [財政學系] 學位論文
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