题名: | 布農族古謠的認知與實踐-以羅娜部落為例 The Cognition and Practice of Bunun Ancient Ballads: A Case Study at Luluna Tribe |
作者: | 王宏恩 Wang, Hong-En |
贡献者: | 吳考甯 吳榮順 Courtney Work Wu, Rong-Shun 王宏恩 Wang, Hong-En |
关键词: | 布農族 古謠 形塑 音樂人類學 Ethnomusicology Shaping Ancient ballads Bunun |
日期: | 2022 |
上传时间: | 2022-09-02 15:24:37 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本文關注布農族音樂變遷,嘗試探討研究者、老年人和中壯年人三者如何形塑其古謠。以羅娜部落為探討對象,筆者發現當前老年與中壯年人間,沒辦法合唱本應該合唱的古謠,研究者指出中壯年人古謠不使用「傳統」方式演唱,同時,筆者發現研究者論述與老年人論述間存在差異,三者的「古謠」於當代呈現不同面貌。故欲理解不同行為者形塑其古謠的過程,首先以宏觀視角整理羅娜部落不同空間中的布農族音樂活動,接著以微觀的視角描述其古謠與詩歌演唱活動,討論中逐步凸顯各角色如何參與古謠之形塑,最後以「飲酒歌」為證,指出中壯年人與研究者共享「歌生唱」路徑,而老年人則獨享「唱生歌」路徑,兩者「唱」與「歌」的概念間有著差異之內涵與互動。藉由指出「不同」的古謠,強調理解不同角色所形塑的真實,將族人主觀詮釋與現有研究論述的對話,從而填補不同角色間的鴻溝,有助於古謠之活化與傳承。 This thesis focuses on the changes of Bunun music, and attempts to explore how “researchers”, “elderly” and “middle-aged people” shape their ancient ballads. Taking the Rona tribe as the object of discussion, the author found that there is currently no way for the elderly and middle-aged people to sing ancient ballads together while it should sung together. When the researcher pointed out that middle-aged people no longer use the "traditional" way to sing, the author found that there are differences in the description of the concept of ancient ballads between researchers and the elderly, and the "ancient ballads" of each have different appearances in contemporary times. Therefore, in order to understand the process by which different actors shape their ancient ballads, first organize the Bunun musical activities in different “uampukan (spaces)” of the Lorna tribe from a macro perspective, and then describe their ancient ballads and poetry singing activities from a microscopic perspective. The above discussion will gradually highlight how each character participates in the shaping of ancient ballads. Finally, using "drinking songs" as a proof, to pointed out that middle-aged people and researchers use the path of " Sing only if there is a song ", while the elderly enjoy the path of " if you sing there is a song " alone. The concepts of "sing" and "song" of the two paths have different connotations and interactions. By pointing out "different" ancient ballads, we can understand the truth formed by different characters, and have a dialogue between "Bunun`s subjective interpretation" and "existing research results", so as to fill the gap between them and help to revitalize and inheritance ancient ballads. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 民族學系 107259004 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107259004 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201213 |
显示于类别: | [民族學系] 學位論文
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