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    Title: 對高齡者活動友善觀點之公園熱舒適性研究
    A Study on Thermal Comfort of Parks Based on The Activity-Friendly Perspective of Seniors
    Authors: 洪廷輝
    Hung, Ting-Hui
    Contributors: 孫振義
    Sun, Chen-Yi
    Hung, Ting-Hui
    Keywords: 高齡者
    Thermal comfort
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:18:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 現今社會人口結構呈現高齡化現象,我國針對人口高齡化積極推動高齡友善政策,希望能夠營造對高齡者友善的環境,在氣候方面全球暖化的情況越來越嚴重,臺灣的年均溫亦受到影響並已經有明顯的變化,且都市地區在都市熱島效應下於熱季的高溫化情況更為顯著,而高齡者最常出沒的戶外地點為公園,故若將高齡者經常活動的場域加以考量外在熱環境情形,將有利於降低高齡者進行活動時受到熱傷害的風險,達到高齡友善的目標。
    The share of senior citizens in Taiwan is has been increasing in recent years in Taiwan. Efforts have been made to promote an aging-friendly policy in response to the aging population, hoping to create a friendly environment for seniors. With global warming becoming more and more serious, average annual temperature in Taiwan, therefore, is rising. The higher temperature in urban areas has greater impact in summer with the urban heat island effect. While most outdoor activities for seniors are parks, the external thermal environment of the parks has to be taken into consideration to help reduce the risk of thermal injury during activities and eventually create an age-friendly environment for seniors.
    This study focuses on the thermal environment of the activity areas in four adjacent parks in Wenshan District, Taipei City as the research object. The questionnaire survey method is used to collect primary data in regard of seniors’ preference and experience in thermal environment of the parks. The measurement of the microclimate monitoring station and the analysis of the thermal comfort evaluation index are conducted to check the thermal comfort situation of the activity area.
    The results of the questionnaire reveal the time period, type and frequency of the seniors who are engaged in park activities. In addition, the discussion of various types of activity sites and thermal environment factors is applied as a reference for the analysis of the measured data in the subsequent chapters.
    By referring to the results of the questionnaire survey, the measured data is analyzed at high and low temperature measurement points respectively for the data of the period to be discussed. Further comparisons are made by using the thermal comfort evaluation index. The measurement points with obvious high temperature phenomenon are sorted out and regression analysis is used. The key factors affecting the thermal environment of the park space are summarized.
    Finally, based on the results of the questionnaire analysis and the measured data analysis results, this research puts forward a policy of improving the thermal comfort of the park activity area, and serves as a follow-up unit to carry out the space planning of parks and urban design.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108257012
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201423
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