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Title: | 台北市政府因應中高齡者及高齡者就業促進法之實施現況與問題之探討 The law enforcement and challenge of Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act in Taipei City Government |
Authors: | 甘鎮豪 Kan, Chen-Hao |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 甘鎮豪 Kan, Chen-Hao |
Keywords: | 高齡社會 中高齡者及高齡者就業促進法 穩定就業措施 Middle-aged and elderly workers Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:17:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高齡化、少子化等社會問題已開始影響我國的勞動力結構,中高齡以上人口將在未來得就業市場中扮演舉足輕重的角色。然而,我國的事業單位、大眾多對此類人口有著負面的刻板印象;中高齡以上的勞動力也因各種弱勢因素而無法順利於勞動市場中安穩就業。因此,立法者擬定了「中高齡者及高齡者就業促進法」並已正式實施;而台北市就業服務處亦辦理了許多協助中高齡以上人口安穩就業的促進措施:設置銀髮人才服務據點、設置銀髮職務新創中心、開發就業機會、退休(公務)人員回流工作計畫。然,這些就業措施是否真能協助企業進用訓練中高齡以上人口、替其進行職務再設計仍有待探究。基此,本文藉由過往的文獻回顧以及訪談分析得出以下結論與建議,分述如下: 一、高齡社會對我國勞動市場之影響:我國勞動力市場的結構已逐漸老化,許多企業出現缺工問題。為順利將這些人口導入缺工事業,政府研擬了許多措施如設置銀髮據點、開設非典型勞動職缺、創立適合中高齡以上者之職務內容等。 二、中高齡以上勞動力之就業困境:中高齡與高齡人口的就業弱勢之原因不外:(一)專業能力欠缺;(二)中高齡以上勞動力的身、心理資本不足;(三)遭遇就業歧視與年齡刻板印象的問題仍有待克服。 三、既有措施尚無法有效地將中高齡與高齡人口導入就業市場中,因此,本研究提出以下建議:(一)提升獎勵誘因並強化罰則;(二)將就業促進工具納入銀髮人才服務據點中;(三)調整推薦中高齡以上人口之非典型勞動職缺;(四)強化企業辦理職業訓練、再設計之誘因;(五)強化中高齡以上勞動力之電腦、考照能力,並提升其心理資本;(六)加強創業協助與青銀共事措施。 While aging and declining fertility rate have begun to affect our country`s labor force structure, middle-aged and elderly groups will play a pivotal role in the future labor market. However, many public institutions in our country have held a negative stereotype toward this population. Therefore, the legislators have drafted and formally implemented the "Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act ". Taipei City Employment Services Office has also put forward many promotion measures: setting up Senior Workforce Development Service and Innovation Centers, Developing employment opportunities, Better utilization of returning retired (civil servant) personnel to help older people find stable employment. Therefore, this paper aims to explore this issue, based on literature review and interview analysis, the conclusions and recommendations are summarized as follows. First, the impact of the aging society on Taiwan’s labor market: The structure of Taiwan’s labor market has witnessed the trend of aging so that many enterprises have experienced the problem of job shortage. Second, the employment dilemma of the middle-aged and elderly workers: The weakness of middle-aged and elderly workers includes lack of professional ability inadequate physical and psychological capital, -employment discrimination and age stereotypes. Third, review the effectiveness of policies of Taipei City Employment Services Office: the above-mentioned measures failed to introduce the middle-aged and elderly population into the job market. Therefore, this study gives the following suggestions:1-Enhance incentives and strengthen penalties;2- Bring employment promotion tools into the Workforce Development Service Centers; 3-Adjust the atypical labor vacancies recommended to the elderly population;4-Strengthen the incentives for enterprises to handle vocational training and redesign; 5-Strengthen the computer and licensing skills of middle-aged and older workers, and enhance their psychological capital; 6-Strengthen the entrepreneurial assistance of the middle-aged and older workers, and strengthen the exchanges between young people and elderly people. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 勞工研究所 109262008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109262008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201428 |
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