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Title: | 探討社會住宅引進社福服務的協力互動過程與影響因素 Exploring Collaborative Interaction Process and Influencing Factors of Introducing Social Welfare into Social Housing |
Authors: | 詹幃棠 Zhan, Wei-Tang |
Contributors: | 傅凱若 Fu, Kai-Jo 詹幃棠 Zhan, Wei-Tang |
Keywords: | 社會住宅 社會福利 協力創新 Social Housing Social Welfare Collaborative Innovation |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:15:25 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據住宅法第四條規定,社會住宅必須提供4成比例給予關懷戶承租,這些群體可能具有貧窮、身心障礙或是受家庭暴力等弱勢身分,雖然社會住宅解決弱勢者居住問題,但是他們本身遭遇的社會問題依然存在,因此需要連結社會福利資源,關懷與培力社宅住戶。本研究目的在於了解政府如何推動社會住宅引進社會服務,以及探討參與者互動情形與影響互動的關鍵因素。
本研究建議政府必須建立住宅單位與社政單位合作管道,提供持續性的資源支持,提升社福組織進駐社宅的意願;另一方面也需要暢通住宅單位與進駐單位的溝通管道,解決實際服務過程中發生的問題,並且確立共同目標與相互信任。 Article 4 of the Housing Act states: Social housing must provide housing opportunities for forty percent of vulnerable households. They may have underprivileged identities such as poverty, disability, and domestic violence. Although social housing solves the problem of insufficient housing, their social problems still exist. Therefore, welfare resources must be linked to the care and empowerment of social housing residents. The purpose of this study is to understand how the government promotes social housing to introduce welfare and to discuss the circumstances of participant interaction and the key factors affecting the interaction.
According to the collaborative innovation theory put forward by Torfing (2016). This study interviewed the housing department, social welfare department, social welfare organizations, and advocacy groups, and selected three social housing that implements social welfare programs as study cases, including Linkou Social Housing, Ankang Social Housing, and Datong Social Housing.
The results indicated some points. First of all, the hosing department needs to play an active role to cooperate with various roles. However, the current system lacks a cooperative mechanism and incentives to participate; Second, The parochialism and professional experience of the participants, as well as the leader`s support, communication, cooperation, mutual trust, consensus and the establishment of common goals in the interaction process have become the key factors affecting the collaborative process; Finally, the collaborative innovation in social housing combined with welfare can positively impact individuals, organizations and communities.
This study suggests that the government must establish a communication channel between the housing department and community welfare department, and provide continuous resource support to increase the incentives for social welfare organizations to provide services in social housing. On the other hand, it is also necessary to unblock the communication channel between the housing department and social welfare organizations, to resolve problems and establish common goals and mutual trust in the service process. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 公共行政學系 108256017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108256017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201228 |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學系] 學位論文
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