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    Title: 某中央機關新進公務人員高普考試分發經驗、 分發工作性質及工作適配情形之研究
    A Case Study on the Civil Service Examination Placement Experience, Job Nature, Person-Job Fit of Rookie Civil Servants in Central Government
    Authors: 林敬瑄
    Lin, Ching-Hsuan
    Contributors: 董祥開
    Dong, Hsiang-Kai
    Lin, Ching-Hsuan
    Keywords: 國考分發制度
    Civil Service Examination Placement System
    Recruitment information disclosure
    Person-Job Fit
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:14:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討高普考試分發之新進公務人員參與分發過程的經驗及感受,並以近年經高普考試分發至某中央機關(下稱A機關)之新進公務人員為對象,檢視同考試類科分發工作之業務性質、業務領域及工作所需能力等面向的差異,並探討新進公務人員與分發職位、分發機關的適配情形,經訪談17位A機關新進公務人員,歸納研究發現如下:






    This study aimed to explore the experience and feelings of rookie civil servants participating in the senior and junior civil service examination placement process. And take the rookie civil servants who have been placed to a central agency (hereinafter referred to as Agency A) through the examination placement process in recent years as the object of study, examining the differences in their job nature, job fields, and abilities required for the assignment works of the placed job in the same examination categories, and discussing the fitness of the rookie civil servants. After interviewing 17 rookie civil servants of Agency A , the findings of the research are as follows:

    1.During the examination placement process, rookie civil servants mainly use informal channels to collect job information, and take "job content" information as the primary inquiring aspect of job information.

    2.According to the new civil servants’ interaction experience of formal channel in the examination placement process, it is found that there is a gap between the job information provided by the official channels and the needs of rookie civil servants, rookie civil servants do not trust the job information provided by official channels, information provided by official channels can create wrong expectations for rookie civil servants, lack of proper arrangements for the provision of job information by the agency, and information about the job field may affect the selection of rookie civil servants.

    3.In general, in the case of the job fit of the rookie civil servants of Agency A, the abilities of the rookie civil servants can generally meet the needs of the placed job; however, the placed job is more difficult to meet their interests, and it is more difficult to reach their full potential.

    4.In the case of the organization fit of the rookie civil servants of Agency A, some rookie civil servants do not agree with their agency`s responsive attitude to legislators and conservative ways of replying, conservative and seniority-based culture, implementation of overly idealized agency policies, and the inefficiency of administrative procedures. In terms of organizational supply, some rookie civil servants are less satisfied with the working atmosphere, opportunities for training and further promotions. Moreover, the new employee orientation of agency is of limited help in practice, and rookie civil servants are less satisfied with the implementation of the rookie civil servants’ counselor system.

    5.The results of the analysis of the placed work of same examination categories of Agency A show that, except for the category B, the job nature, job fields, required knowledge, abilities and characteristics of the placed job of other examination categories are all different. So, rookie civil servants should have different suitability and preferences for different placed job.

    Finally, according to the above findings, this research tries to provide practical suggestions from the aspects of agencies and rookie civil servants, looking forward to discussing how to improve the fitness of rookie civil servants from two stages: the examination placement process and after examination placement process.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256016
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201376
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