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    Title: 臺灣政治人物的政治社群行銷: 以2020總統大選臉書粉絲專頁內容分析為例
    Social Media Marketing of Politicians in Taiwan: a content analysis of Facebook fanpages in 2020 presidential election
    Authors: 郭繐慈
    Kuo, Sui-Tzu
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Kuo, Sui-Tzu
    Keywords: 政治社群行銷
    Social Media Marketing
    2020 Presidential Election
    Facebook Fanpages
    Content Analysis
    Text Mining
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:13:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新媒體以網路世界為媒介所形成的閱聽頻道為主,多數人特別是年輕人幾乎都使用社群平台,而政治人物為了拉近與民眾的距離、維持其曝光度,也紛紛創立帳號積極投入社群世界。臺灣的社群媒體使用者使用臉書的比例最高,也因此近年來臺灣政治人物幾乎皆開設臉書粉絲專頁,2020年的總統大選更是明顯地以新媒體為選舉宣傳工具,除了維持傳統的選舉宣傳方式,也結合線下與線上的互動方式。本文以參與2020年臺灣總統大選的蔡英文、韓國瑜、宋楚瑜三位候選人的臉書粉絲專頁為例,以選前一年(2019年1月1日至2020年1月10日)以及選後一年(2020年1月11日至2021年1月10日)為研究時間範圍,採取文字探勘研究方法,針對上述三位候選人於前述期間內的貼文進行內容分析,透過其臉書貼文內容文字使用以探究三位候選人在臉書使用、以及候選人團隊在社群媒體宣傳上所採取的策略。研究結果顯示,從發文時間、貼文風格與用字遣詞分析,選前的貼文內容呈現候選人強烈個人形象,且發文內容雖有明顯差異,但皆使用「臺灣」一詞;選後三位候選人的發文次數明顯下降,但仍保留其為闡述己見的平台。
    New media is a new channel of communication operating via internet. Social media is central to the idea and practice of new media. Most people particularly the youth access social media for various reasons. In order to connect to the public as well as maintain or raise their profiles in the internet world, politicians have also begun to use social media such as Facebook. Facebook has the highest coverage of Taiwanese users. what the Taiwanese population compared to other social media platforms. This also helps explain the increasing number of politicians in Taiwan setting up Facebook fan pages. The 2020 presidential election clearly witnessed the heavy usage of Facebook for campaign although the traditional form of election campaign still played an important role. Through a context analysis of the Facebook fan pages of the three candidates of the 2020 presidential elections- Han Kuo-yu, James Soong and Tsai Ing-wen, this thesis seeks to study the campaign strategy involving using social media adopted by the aforementioned candidates and their teams. A year before (2019/1/1-2020/1/10) and after (2020/1/11-2021/1/10) the election day (2020/1/10) were selected for a preliminary comparison. The content analysis shows that the fan pages demonstrate strong personal styles and characteristics in many aspects. What appears to be common term used by the candidates is ‘Taiwan.’ It is also found that the candidates continued to use their Facebook fan pages even the election was over.
    Reference: 中文部分

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107261021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201373
    Appears in Collections:[國家發展研究所] 學位論文

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