題名: | 從溝通理論到自然契約:塞荷哲學的考察 From the Theory of Communication to the Contract of Nature: A Study on the Philosophy of Michel Serres |
作者: | 齊昀 Chi, Yun |
貢獻者: | 江玉林 Chiang, Yu-Lin 齊昀 Chi, Yun |
關鍵詞: | 米歇爾.塞荷 自然契約 氣候訴訟 環境權利主體 主-客體之分 Michel Serres Contract of Nature climate litigation environmental personhood subject-object distinction |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-09-02 15:08:35 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本論文《從溝通理論到自然契約:塞荷哲學的規範考察》旨在藉由主體與客體,以及對於法律與科學之互動關係的討論,分析當今社會中人類與自然間的衝突。本論文主要以環境法為例,說明當前氣候議題應使人們反思當代技術條件下,此種人類與自然關係上的轉變,以及法學於其中的角色應以何種姿態存在。 既有法學研究對於環境議題,乃至於其餘科技現象已有長足討論。然而,傾向聚焦於實務面、技術面的法學家往往也忽略來自法理學、社會學上的啟發或指引。易言之,法學家的工作若無法理學於抽象層次上的背書,容易落入「目的理性」的陷阱,而喪失「價值理性」的精神。就實務面而論,儘管法學研究對於環境議題有充分思考,卻也因過度分歧的立論出發點而難以取得學說上,乃至於國際間的共識。 本論文從此一困境出發,以塞荷的「溝通理論」與「自然契約」概念為引,試圖解析塞荷的理論也許得以作為此項難題的解方。詳言之,透過改變人類與自然之間整體圖像,法學才得以找尋到自身與科技事物之間的新連結形式,並從中扮演「新」契約之下「真理」審判者的角色。如若科學家所提供的是「精準」(justess),那麼法學家則需負起「正義」(just)的責任。唯有兩者的共同努力,自然契約才能如期作成,人類也始得尋找應對氣候議題的方法。 本論文最終以法國法上的「氣候訴訟」等案例為喻,闡釋「自然契約」等理論的實作可能性以及可期待的努力方向。本論文認為,自然對人類的反撲只會於可見的未來中越顯激烈。作為知識製作與規範生成者的法學,能否找到適當的出路以應對之,將會是獨屬於當代法學者的關鍵提問。 This thesis, “From the Theory of Communication to the Contract of Nature: A Study on the Philosophy of Michel Serres,” aims to analyze the conflict between Human and Nature in today’s society by discussing the interaction between subject and object, and between law and science. We focus on environmental law as an example to illustrate that current climate issues should lead people to reflect on the changes in the relationship between Human and Nature, as well as on the role of law under contemporary technological conditions. Legal studies have well addressed environmental concerns and other technological phenomena for a long time. However, legal scholars who tend to focus on the practical and technical aspects have often neglected jurisprudential and sociological inspiration. In other words, without the support of jurisprudence at the abstract level, jurists may easily fall into the trap of “instrumental rationality” and lose the spirit of “value rationality.” On the practical level, although jurists have given sufficient thought to environmental issues, it was difficult to reach a doctrinal and international consensus because of divergent starting points. In this thesis, we attempt to address this dilemma by using Michel Serres’s “Theory of communication” and “Contract of Nature” as a possible solution. In detail, only by changing the overall picture between Human and Nature, jurisprudence would be able to find a new form of connection with the technologies, and, while doing so, play the role of judging the vérité under this new contract. If what scientists provide is justess, then the jurists have the responsibility of just. The Contract of Nature, as the foundation of further dialogue on climate issues, can solely be signed with the efforts of both sides. At the end of this thesis, we use the contentieux climatique, or “climate litigation” in French law as the case studies to explain the practicability of the “Contract of Nature.” Based on the assumption that Nature’s “counterattack” on Human will only become more and more intense in the foreseeable future, whether the law, as a producer of knowledge and normative power, can find an appropriate way out of this circumstance will be an essential question for contemporary jurists. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651065 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651065 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201192 |
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