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Title: | 網路論壇議論檔案事件主題及其情感傾向分析 Subject Mining and Sentiment Analysis of Archival Events in the Internet Forum |
Authors: | 李育賢 Lee, Yu-Hsien |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 李育賢 Yu-Hsien Lee |
Keywords: | 數位人文 檔案管理 網路論壇 文字探勘 情感分析 Digital humanities Archival management Internet forums Text mining Sentiment analysis |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:59:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 大眾的意見經常是公務機關提供服務的參考依據,網路論壇及社群媒體成為了公民發揮「公共性」的場所,因此,本研究欲借助數位人文方法與數位工具,探討網路論壇中有關檔案議題的貼文,在巨觀以及微觀的視角中,對其內容所呈現的主題、情感、脈絡、關聯,加以剖析並探討網路論壇的輿情走勢。 本研究以想想論壇、風傳媒、關鍵評論網及鳴人堂,四家網路論壇為資料來源,蒐集2012年至2021年之間,共586筆檔案主題貼文。首先透過中研院CKIP Tagger進行文本預處理後,分別使用WEKA、CORPRO、CVAW4.0及Gephi數位工具,依序進行主題分析、語料庫分析、情感分析及社會網絡分析,多面向剖析網路輿情。 研究結果顯示,網路論壇中常被討論的檔案議題為「檔案解密公開」、「轉型正義與政治檔案」、「歷史研究」、「檔案推廣應用」與「檔案稽憑功能」,其中「檔案解密公開」占比最多;從檔案輿論關鍵字的高共現詞彙可以觀察出,近十年網路中的檔案輿論,與政治事件高度相關;透過情感分析,得知網路論壇檔案文本的情感傾向整體呈現負面,且在主題之間、論壇來源之間呈現差異,加入時間軸可以探得歷史脈絡變化,藉此提供檔案主管機關推動檔案解密公開以及提升檔案應用服務作業之參考。 Public opinions are often used as a reference by government agencies in order to provide services to citizens. Internet forums and social media platforms have evolved into places where people can exercise their "publicness." In this research, the public opinion patterns in each of the four representative Taiwanese forums are examined together with the themes, sentiments, contexts, and associations presented by the posts on each of the four forums. A total of 586 posts from four internet forums were collected for this study between 2012 and 2021. The four internet forums are "Thinking-Taiwan", "The Storm Media", "The News Lens", and "Opinion". As a pre-processing procedure, the study analyzed the posts with CKIP Tagger. After that, digital tools like WEKA, CORPRO, CVAW4.0, and Gephi were used to break down the online public opinions from multiple perspectives. The study then conducted research including topic analysis, corpus analysis, sentiment analysis, and social network analysis. The results indicate that "declassification and disclosure of archives," "transformational justice and political archives," "historical research," "archival promotion and application," and "archival audit function" are the four internet forums` most frequently discussed archival topics, with "declassification and disclosure of archives" accounting for the majority of these discussions. Through sentiment analysis, we can see that internet forum texts tend to be read negatively as a whole. However, the topics and forum sources offer varying degrees of the strength of the sentiments. Additionally, by including the timeline, we can help to understand the historical changes. This study hopes to be served as a guide for archival authorities to promote the declassification and disclosure of archives and enhance application services for the archives. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 圖書資訊與檔案學研究所 109155011 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109155011 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201280 |
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