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Title: | 國際網路及資安科技業者在地服務品質與客戶滿意度之研究:以 J公司為例 Assessing the Worldwide Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Networking Vendor in Taiwan: The Case of Company J |
Authors: | 戴聖強 TAI, SHENG CHIANG |
Contributors: | 巫立宇 Wu, Lei-Yu 戴聖強 TAI, SHENG CHIANG |
Keywords: | 國際網路及資安科技供應商 服務品質 SERVQUAL Networking Vendor Service Quality SERVQUAL |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:51:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業應用新科技不斷地做數位轉型因應科技應用快速的發展,加上近年來新型疫情的擴散,導致於供應鏈斷鏈、地緣上的切割,日常的生活及商業行為有了歷史以來未曾經歷過的改變,國際的政治經濟及地緣政治情勢對於產業供給能力影響急遽,雖然目前大家聚焦於解決原物料缺乏供應鏈斷鏈及運輸鏈的擁塞,更期待晶片的產能提升解決製造業的困窘及生產,但是在我們居家辦公的改變模式,各行業對於專業的線上及在地服務需求與日俱增,而對於不同行業特殊性領域的需求,並不能僅僅由軟硬體品牌商的銷售渠道取得,品牌商更是要主動探索終端客戶旅程體驗,經由具有行業特殊領域知識以及專業技術的服務業者,傳達並履行品牌供應商的核心價值,品牌供應商應確立並且知悉客戶的體驗旅程是被重視的,聆聽客戶從商業發展的預期,回應對於供應商的產品及服務體驗,了解雙方之間的認知差異,作為供應商產品解決方案及服務的未來發展及改善方針,並與合作的銷售渠道取得服務品質的共識,才能經由具有專業服務品質的專案團隊與企業客戶協同完成良好的客戶體驗,才能發展成為合作夥伴關係。
本研究透過國際網路及資安科技供應商,針對國際市場的客戶進行質性訪談,以PZB三位學者的專業服務的服務品質衡量構面及SERVQUAL量表為基礎,藉由問卷調查三大地理區域,回應者1105人,來自961個企業客戶,眾多管道資源的數據庫挑選,以5大構面、22個屬性歸納整理出適用於國際級網通設備供應業者,提出整體顧客滿意對實際服務品質有正相關,對於未來銷售前產品設計、規劃、生產以及售後服務品質提升的要素,做為相關提供服務的國際品牌設備供應商的經營參考,以縮小服務品質差距。 The challenge from effective supply chain, digital transformation, geopolitical effect and the pandemic are impact the enterprise to adopt the new business model. The demand for professional services in various industries are increasing dramatically. The service demand cannot be obtained only by the distributors and reseller channels of software and hardware brands. The enterprise needs to collaborate with vendor who has the trends、next generation knowledge and professional skills as well as service quality, feedback their requirement from the business development prospective.
To collect the results from the J-company of the Networking Vendor service provider of qualitative interview with their customers those are C-level, Director, Manager, Engineer, Decision Makers , based on PZB`s professional service quality measurement facet and SERVQUAL scale, to 5 the large facets and 22 attributes are summarized and compiled for the networking vendor, and the findings of improving the quality of the after-sales service can be a valuable reference for the networking vendor/ICT service providers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 104932021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201181 |
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