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Title: | 論保險法上危險增加通知義務之改革──以最大善意原則及消費者保護為中心 The Reform of Obligation to Notify the Insurer of Increased Risk in Insurance Contract Law: A Focus on the Utmost Good Faith Principle and Consumer Protection |
Authors: | 黃立漢 Huang, Li-Han |
Contributors: | 陳俊元 Chen, Chun-Yuan 黃立漢 Huang, Li-Han |
Keywords: | 保險契約法 最大善意原則 對價平衡原則 消費者保護 危險增加通知義務 保險人說明義務 Insurance Contract Act Principle of Utmost Good Faith Principle of Equilibrium Consumer Protection The Obligation to Notify the Insurer of Increased Risk Insurers’ Obligation to Inform |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:50:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 危險增加通知義務為保險契約之締約後義務,於危險增加情形發生時,要保人、被保險人依法應通知保險人,保險人得調整契約內容或終止契約,但對於一般保險消費者而言,判斷危險增加情形並非容易,要保人、被保險人卻被課以最大善意原則履行,於違反危險增加通知義務之情形,保險人得依保險法第57條解除契約,且不負保險事故之給付責任。 本文以英國、美國、德國、日本以及歐洲保險契約法原則的危險增加制度為法規比較,並以我國判決為基礎統計分析及個案評析,發現以下現象:第一,難以期待我國保險消費者理解判斷並履行危險增加通知義務。第二,違反契約所載之危險增加通知義務者比例較高。第三,我國違反危險增加通知義務之法律效果較比較法國家更為嚴苛。從而推論出危險增加通知義務規範並未意識到保險消費者保護之需求。 基於上述分析,本文主張應限縮危險增加通知義務之範圍,同時以最大善意原則課予保險人說明危險增加之義務,調整危險增加之法律效果,因危險增加發生保險事故時依危險增加程度比例給付保險金。 The obligation to notify the insurer of increased risk is one of post-contractual duty of insurance contract. In principle, the policyholder and the insured should notify the insurer of the situation when risk increases. The insurer may adjust the premium or terminate the contract after receiving the notice. One the policyholder or insured fail to notify the increased risk, the insurer may rescind the contract and would not be liable for coverage according to the Article 57 of the Insurance Act. Also, the insured is required to fulfill the obligation with utmost good faith. This study starts with the analysis of relevant regulations of increased risk in the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan, Germany and Europe. The statistical analysis and case study are also applied in this research. The dataset includes judicial cases related to increased risk in insurance law in Taiwan. The result shows that it is difficult for the insurance consumer to realize the increased risk and file the notification properly. This also indicates the necessity of improving insurance consumer protection. Based on the analysis above, this study suggests to narrow down the scope of the notification of increased risk. Meanwhile, the insurer should be requested to inform the insurance consumer about the obligation of the notification of increased risk with utmost good faith. The effect of increased risk should be amended, also. When the insured peril is caused by increased risk, the insurer should pay the coverage to the insured on the proportion of the increased risk. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險學系 108358014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108358014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201105 |
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