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    Title: 探討圖片在語言具體性評論和雙邊評論對於評論有用性之影響
    Exploring image in language concreteness reviews and two-sided reviews on online review helpfulness
    Authors: 王婷
    Wang, Ting
    Contributors: 彭志宏
    Peng, Chih-Hung
    Wang, Ting
    Keywords: 評論具體性
    Review concreteness
    Two-sidedness review
    Image amount
    Effort-accuracy framework
    Review helpfulness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 14:48:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著電子商務的普及,評論平台風靡一時,評論的有用性被認為是衡量客 戶的重要指標。但是我們如何才能找出哪些評論內容可以使我們的客戶受益 呢?在這項研究中,我們選擇兩個不同的評論屬性作為本次的研究主軸,評論 具體性和雙邊評論。此外,圖像也成為評論平台研究的必要因素,圖像數量在 現今的平台中不斷增加,本次研究中選擇圖像數量作為我們的調節變數,因為 過去文獻很少被研究過。為了發展我們的假設,本研究使用努力準確度框架來 研究評論具體性和評論有用性之間的關係。另外,本研究使用可信度來研究雙 邊評論和評論有用性之間的關聯。本研究使用線上開放評論數據做為研究資料 的目標,時間橫跨 1998 年到 2018 年。實證結果表明,評論具體性對評論有用 性有顯著的負面影響;雙邊對評論有用性有顯著的正向影響。此外,本研究還 發現圖像數量減輕了對評論具體性和評論有用性的負面相關性;更令本研究驚 奇地發現是在不同產品類型上的圖像數量有不同的效果。
    A review system in an E-commerce website is important for customers to make their purchase decisions. Prior studies have examined the antecedents of review helpfulness (e.g., review length). Little is known the impact of review content on review helpfulness. Drawing on effort-accuracy framework and the relevant literature, we propose two critical factors of review content (i.e., language concreteness and two- sidedness) and examine their effects on review helpfulness. We further examine the moderating effect of image amount in a review. We analyze 15,538,094 reviews from Amazon.com across four products. We find that review concreteness is negatively related to review helpfulness, while review two-sidedness is positively related to review helpfulness. Furthermore, image amount mitigates the negative relationship between review concreteness and review helpfulness. The findings provide critical theoretical and practical implications.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109356034
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201274
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