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    Title: 主管實踐使命感對員工實踐使命感之影響:一個調節式中介模型的探討
    How and when does supervisor living a calling affect employee living a calling? An investigation of a moderated mediation model
    Authors: 廖巍庭
    Liao, Wei-Ting
    Contributors: 黃家齊
    Liao, Wei-Ting
    Keywords: 實踐使命感
    Relational identification
    Living a calling
    Work meaning
    Work passion
    Power distance orientation
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 14:39:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去使命感的研究發現與組織承諾、工作績效及幸福感等皆有正向的影響,而過往多半以自我決定理論(Self-Determination Theory, SDT)或工作使命理論(Work as a Calling Theory, WCT)進行詮釋,但鮮少以別的理論觀點及「團隊層次」進行使命感跨層次的研究。因此,本研究旨藉社會學習理論(也稱社會認知理論)的涓滴效應(Trickle-down effect)及意義建構(Sensemaking)的觀點,探討主管與員工間實踐使命感關聯性的影響,並以工作意義及工作熱情作為中介變項,以權力距離傾向及關係認同作為調節變項,探討中介、調節及調節式中介等影響。本研究採問卷調查法,以台灣本土某家食品公司主管及非生產線基層員工進行問卷調查與分析結果,共回收61個群體,253份有效問卷。本研究使用SPSS與Mplus軟體在問卷回收後進行統計分析,運用敘述性統計、信度分析、相關分析及假設檢定,驗證各項構面的關係。
    In the past, the research findings of calling have a positive impact on organizational commitment, work performance and happiness. Most are interpreted in terms Self-Determination Theory (SDT) or Work as a Calling Theory (WCT). However, it’s rarely interpreted with other theoretical views and cross-level research on calling at the "macro level". Therefore, in this study aims to explore the influence of the relationship of the living a calling between supervisors and employees from the perspective of trickle-down effect of social learning theory (also known as social cognitive theory), and sense-making to explore the influence of mediation with work meaning and work passion as mediator variables. Using the Power Distance Orientation (PDO) and Relational Identification (RI) as the moderator variables, the influence of mediator, moderated mediation is discussed. In this study, a total of 61 groups and 253 valid questionnaires were collected based on the questionnaire survey and analysis results conducted by the supervisor and the non-production line employees of a food company in Taiwan. In this study, SPSS and Mplus software were used for statistical analysis after questionnaire recovery, and the relationship between the various surfaces was verified by using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and hypothesis verification.
    The results indicated: First, the supervisor`s living a calling has a significant positive relationship impact on employees` work meaning, employee` work passion and employees` living a calling; Second, the PDO and RI moderated the relationship between the supervisor`s living a calling and the employee`s work meaning and work passion, respectively, except that RI cannot moderated effect on the relationship between supervisor`s living a calling and employee`s work passion; Third, employees` work meaning and work passion mediated the relationship between supervisor`s living a calling and employee`s living a calling; Fourth, PDO moderated the strength of the mediated relationship between supervisor`s living a calling and employee`s living a calling via employee`s work meaning and employee`s work passion. RI moderated the strength of the mediated relationship between supervisor`s living a calling and employee`s living a calling via employee`s work meaning. Based on the findings, some suggestions for theoretical fields are offered and discussed.
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