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    Title: 台灣中小型食品零售業電商LINE官方帳號行銷策略之研究 ╴以起士公爵為例
    Marketing Strategies for LINE Official Accounts in Taiwan SME Food Retail E-commerce Industry: A Case Study on Cheese Duke
    Authors: 李函餘
    Lee, Han-Yu
    Contributors: 曾國峰
    Tseng, Kuo-Feng
    Lee, Han-Yu
    Keywords: 行銷策略
    Marketing Strategy
    LINE Official Account
    STP Theory
    ROPE Model
    Instant Marketing
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 14:39:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在數位浪潮之下,即時通訊軟體LINE迅速崛起,旗下的LINE官方帳號(LINE Official Account)亦在近年來日趨成為企業用以作為品牌推廣與產品行銷的一大利器。目前台灣地區使用LINE官方帳號的企業當中,以電商商家為大宗,其中又以中小型食品零售業電商的比例偏高。行動行銷的時代來臨後,電商產業迎來前所未有的革命與躍進。當行動商務重塑消費型態,成為銷售主流,精確掌握行銷心法且有效經營LINE官方帳號,以成功獲得消費者青睞,創造更多商機,可望是在競爭激烈的市場中突破重圍並立足根基的決勝關鍵。


    Under the digital wave, with the rapid rise of instant messaging app LINE, LINE Official Account has increasingly become a powerful tool for brand promotion and product marketing in recent years. At present, among the enterprises using the LINE Official Accounts in Taiwan, most of them are E-commerce merchants, and among them, the proportion of small and medium-sized food retail businesses is relatively high. With the advent of the era of mobile marketing, the E-commerce industry has ushered in an unprecedented revolution and leap forward. When mobile commerce reshapes the consumption pattern and becomes the mainstream of sales, the key to break through and establish a foothold in the highly competitive market is to accurately grasp the marketing mindset and effectively operate the LINE Official Accounts in order to successfully gain the attention of consumers and create more business opportunities.

    This research uses the case study method and in-depth interview method in qualitative research to collect relevant data, taking Cheese Duke as the research object. Through interviews with representatives of the case merchant, we learned how they used the main features and functions of the LINE Official Account to execute marketing campaigns in four phases - from Research, Objective, Programming to Evaluation, in three aspects: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning, in order to achieve marketing objectives and results. At the same time, several consumers who added the LINE Official Account of Cheese Duke were interviewed to discuss their views and feedback in order to integrate research data from both aspects of the merchant and consumers for in-depth analysis and discussion.

    After case interviews and information gathering, this research uses the STP theory and ROPE model as the framework for the discussion to summarize the correlations. Based on the findings of the research, the core focus and future optimization directions for the marketing strategies of Cheese Duke’s LINE Official Account are summarized: 1. Utilize the segmentation function to divide markets and save the marketing budget; 2. Reach the target customers and deliver the messages precisely; 3. Enhance market positioning with customized graphic menus and messages. It is expected that the research results will help the case merchant to improve the effectiveness of precision marketing and provide relevant industries as a reference for the future planning of LINE Official Accounts management blueprints.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106941022
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201410
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