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Title: | 從戲劇五因探討廣播節目之受眾認同分析─ 以大愛廣播「真心看世界」節目為例 The audience identification of radio programs from dramatistic pentadic analysis-Take Daai Radio`s "Seeing the World with Heart"program as an example |
Authors: | 張嘉玲 Chang, Chia-Ling |
Contributors: | 陳清河 張嘉玲 Chang, Chia-Ling |
Keywords: | 語藝 戲劇理論 五因分析 動機 認同 實質共享 廣播節目 Rhetoric Dramatism Pentadic analysis Motive Identification Consubstantiality Radio program |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:38:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 廣播媒體轉型之際,本研究回歸「內容」敘事基礎,探究【真心看世界】廣播節目內容與受眾的互動關聯,為言者與聽者增進對話空間。研究方法以語藝觀點「戲劇五因」分析言者動機,並進行「焦點團體法」理解聽者之接收回饋,從中核對言者與聽者實質共享因素。 研究發現節目中三言者的語藝特質,其言說互動如同心圓般由內而外層層擴展,為三層語藝覆誦強化。隱含之言者動機呼應組織精神並緊扣行動因素,具體呈現唯實論之價值觀。言者所突顯的戲劇五因元素以及比例分析,是以「行動」因素為基底,環扣「人物」因素與「場景」因素。強調於時間、空間、人與人之間,主體人物所採取的行動。 焦點團體訪談,呈現聽眾收聽內容後產生正向行動力,是為「從內而外加強外顯行為,又從外回內加強內在信仰」。 「認同」之產生,其一為言者與聽者的「內在情感實質共享」,言者在行動中的正面心境,啟發聽者同感經驗,彼此建立共享迴路;其二是「核心價值實質共享」,慈濟組織以行動實現核心價值,言者言說自我增進身為助人者角色的正當性與意義。 整體可看出「認同」脈絡的一致性,從證嚴法師言說、主持人到各類分享者,以及受眾訪談。言者與聽者歸屬我群感的情感連結與共享,是建立彼此共識共行的核心價值觀。 At the time of the transformation of broadcasting media, this study returns to the narrative foundation of "content", explores the interaction between the content of the radio program and the audience, and enhances the dialogue space for the speaker and the listener. The study method analyzes the motivation of the speaker from the perspective of rhetoric" pentadic analysis ", and uses the " focus group method" to understand the feedback received by the listener, and check the consubstantiality.
The study found that the rhetorical qualities of the three-speakers in the program are that their speech interaction expands from the inside to the outside like a heart circle, which is strengthened by the three-layer rhetorical recitation. Implicit speaker motives echo the organizational spirit and are closely linked to action factors, embodying the values of realism. The pentadic analysis and ratio by the speaker are based on the "act" , which is linked to the "agent" and the "scene". It emphasizes the actions taken by the main characters in time, space, and between people.
Focus group interviews show that the audience has a positive action force after listening to the content, which is to "strengthen the explicit behavior from the inside out, and strengthen the inner belief from the outside to the inside".
The generation of identification is one of the "inner emotional consubstantiality" between the speaker and the listener. The positive state of mind of the speaker in the action inspires the listener to empathize with the experience and establish a shared loop with each other; the second is the "consubstantiality of core values". ” Tzu Chi realizesits core values through actions, and the speakers speak for themselves to enhance the legitimacy and meaning of their role as a helper.
As a whole, we can see the consistency of the " identification " context, from Master Cheng Yen, the host, to various sharers, and audience interviews. The emotional connection and sharing of the sense of belonging between the speaker and the listener is the core value to establish mutual consensus and act together. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 105941013 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105941013 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201296 |
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