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Title: | 社群媒體時代企業公關之角色探討 A Study on the Role of Corporate Public Relations Practitioners in the Social Media Era |
Authors: | 陳嘉雯 Chen, Chia-Wen |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 Liu, Hui-Wen 陳嘉雯 Chen, Chia-Wen |
Keywords: | 企業公關 社群媒體 組織 角色 Corporate public relations Social media Organization Role |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 14:38:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著近年來資訊科技快速發展,企業營運策略也大舉朝著數位趨勢邁進,不僅改變人們的溝通型態,也顛覆了既有的商業模式,無法隨之快速應變的企業或工作者,生存空間受到擠壓或面臨挑戰。
本研究採質性研究之個案研究法及深度訪談法,分別訪問兩名企業規模和產業屬性皆不相同的資深企業公關工作者做為研究個案,深入分析比較組織框架對企業公關人員角色定位的影響。研究結果發現,企業對公關人員的認知及組織權責劃分牽動著公關人員的角色安排,跨職能溝通與協作才能協助企業品牌整合。管理、關係和語藝是傳統公關主軸在社群媒體時代下的延續,企業公關人員並能結合社群專業力提升,在社群媒體找到協助組織溝通的新契機。 With the rapid development of information technology in recent years, businesses are also moving aggressively towards digital trends in their operational strategies. It not only changes the way people communicate, but also subverts the existing business model. Enterprises or workers who cannot adapt quickly will have their living space squeezed or face challenges.
In this wave of innovation, social media is taking advantage of the trend, and many companies interact directly with netizens or consumers via official accounts on social media platforms. Nevertheless, the role of corporate public relations practitioners (PR) traditionally entrusted with communicating with stakeholders has been impacted. For instances, social media editors release messages on behalf of companies, business owners speak directly via their personal accounts, as well as the negative comments of corporates on internet are manipulated by third-party accounts. Corporate PR practitioners should view the phenomenon of the gradual loss of discourse right as a worry.
On the role expectation of corporate PR personnel in the organization, the study is based on understanding the changes of the organization to which corporate PR personnel belong in the social media era. Furthermore, the research focuses on the relationship between corporate PR practitioners and official accounts, and whether there are any changes in the use of media to assist the organization in external communication.
This study adopts the case study method and in-depth interview method of qualitative research, and interview two senior corporate PR practitioners with different company scales and industries attribute as research cases. According to the interview data, deeply analyze and compare the impacts of organizational frameworks on the role po-sitioning of corporate PR personnel.
The study shows that the roles of corporate PR personnel were affected by two factors. One is the company’s perception of corporate PR personnel, and the other is the division of organizational rights and responsibilities. The only way of corporate brand integration is through cross-functional communication and collaboration. In addition, the traditional PR values including management, relationship and rhetoric, are the continuation in the social media era. It is suggested that corporate PR practitioners combine public relations majors and social media professional ability enhancements, so as to find new opportunities on social media to assist in organizational communication. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 103941003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103941003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201255 |
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