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    Title: 台灣純網銀經營策略—以香港、新加坡、英國為例之分析
    The strategy of the Neobank industry in Taiwan: hints from Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom
    Authors: 張敏賢
    Cheung, Man-Yin
    Contributors: 黃國峯

    Huang, Kuo-Feng
    Fu, Jyun-Ying

    Cheung, Man-Yin
    Keywords: 五力分析
    The Five Force theory
    the Porter’s Diamond theory
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 19:01:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 自2019年7月起,台灣金融監督管理委員會核准了三家純網路銀行(以下簡稱純網銀)申請,包括樂天國際商業銀行、連線銀行及即將投入服務的將來銀行。台灣的純網銀發展相對緩慢,而本地傳統銀行產業也十分競爭,台灣的純網銀應如何部署?又可以從其他國家的發展及經驗中學到什麼?
    The Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission has approved three neobanks’ applications since July 2019, including Rakuten International Commercial Bank, Line Bank, and Next Bank which will soon be running the business. The development of neobank in Taiwan is relatively slow, and the local traditional banking industry is also very competitive. How should neobank be deployed in Taiwan? What can be learned from the development and experience of other countries?
    This study attempts to provide some insights into the business strategy of the neobank industry in Taiwan through case analysis, which will refer to the development of neobanks in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. This research compares the national competitive advantages of Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, based on the Porter`s Diamond Model theory and the analysis of the neobank industry by the five-force theory, examines the similarities with Taiwan and evaluates and proposes the development of Taiwan’s neobank industry and strategy from the above countries. This study finally provides short- and medium-term recommendations for the business strategy of the neobank industry in Taiwan. In the short-term strategy, neobanks in Taiwan can focus on the customers’ pain points, link the service with customers’ daily life and enhance the interaction with them. In the medium-term strategy, neobanks in Taiwan can build the ecosystem and provide a one-stop service by open banking API.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363108
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200875
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