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    題名: 個人化行銷廣告的利弊得失-信任移轉與隱私觀點
    Effect of Personalized Advertisement - Trust Transfer and Privacy Perspectives
    作者: 黃威綸
    Huang, Wei-Lun
    貢獻者: 白佩玉
    Bai, Pei-Yu
    Huang, Wei-Lun
    關鍵詞: 個人化廣告
    Personalized advertisement
    Privacy concern
    Trust transfer
    日期: 2022
    上傳時間: 2022-08-01 18:58:08 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 個人化廣告行銷儼然已經成為現今當紅的行銷手法之一,平台媒體透過大量收集消費者行為資料,做出最適當的推薦商品類別,以促進消費者購買行為。然而在收集資訊的同時,消費者隱私成為重要的議題,平台與品牌在消費者資訊安全的顧慮下,也需要更注意自身信任的建立來消弭消費者可能感受到的風險。本研究旨在了解個人化對隱私顧慮與信任間之關係,並且提出平台與品牌間之信任移轉模式,以及其會如何影響滿意度。以情境案例搭配問卷方式作為樣本收集方法,共收集543份有效樣本,透過ML-SEM的方式進行分析,除了直接效果之檢驗外,同時以拔靴法求取間接效果之偏差矯正信賴區間,檢驗中介效果之假設,釐清因果關係並且提出以下結論: 一、個人化會正向影響隱私顧慮、平台信任、品牌信任以及廣告滿意度。二、平台信任與品牌信任會正向影響廣告滿意度。三、在個人化廣告情境中,平台與品牌間會產生信任移轉,並且影響滿意度。四、信任對於個人化對廣告滿意度之效果,會產生部分中介。本研究也根據以上發現,提供實務建議如下:企業與媒體代理商在選擇廣告投放平台時,除了投放成本與觀看次數作為關鍵績效指標外,應額外考慮平台自身之品質以及消費者對其信任程度,以增加企業投放廣告時所能獲得之效用及好處。
    Personalized advertising marketing has become one of the most popular marketing methods today. Media platform collects a large amount of consumer behavior data to make appropriate recommended product categories to promote consumer purchase intention. However, while collecting information, privacy has become a critical issue, it is necessary for platform and brand to pay more effort to build trust to eliminate the risks that consumers may feel. This study aims to understand the relationship between personalization, privacy concerns and trust, and we propose patterns of trust transfer between platforms and brands as well and examine the effect to satisfaction. A total of 543 valid samples were collected and analyzed by ML-SEM method. In addition to the direct effect test, the bootstrap method was used to obtain the bias corrected confidence interval to test indirect effect and examine mediation effect. This research clarifies the causal relationship and make the following conclusions and contribution: First, personalization positively affects privacy concerns, platform trust, brand trust and customer satisfaction. Second, platform trust and brand trust will positively affect customer satisfaction. Third, in the context of personalized advertising, there will be a trust transfer between the platform and the brand, which will affect satisfaction. Fourth, trust will intermediate the relationship between personalization and satisfaction. Based on the above findings, the research provides practical recommendations. When companies and media agencies choose an advertising platform, in addition to the cost and the number of views as key performance indicators, they should consider the quality of the platform itself and the trust level of consumers in it as well. Therefore, companies can obtain more benefits while posting the advertising.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363017
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200702
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