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Title: | 移民的母國政治參與: 以菲律賓海外缺席投票為例 Emigrants’ Participation in Homeland Politics: A Case of the Philippines’ Overseas Absentee Voting |
Authors: | 葛瑞絲 Longakit, Grace Tonnette Golez |
Contributors: | 俞振華 Yu, Eric Chen-Hua 葛瑞絲 Longakit, Grace Tonnette Golez |
Keywords: | 教育 選舉參與 外部投票 母國政治 移民 海外不在籍投票 菲律賓 再社會化 education electoral participation external voting homeland politics migration Overseas Absentee Voting Philippines resocialization |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:54:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究將海外移民和選舉研究結合在一起,重點關注於海外移民透過海外不在籍投票參與母國的政治。 本篇主要使用社會經濟學之觀點、再社會化之因素、以及前述兩者對移民投票行為之影響等三項概念進行研究。 本研究以定居臺灣之菲律賓籍移民的觀點為中心,探討他們透過海外不在籍投票(OAV)對菲律賓海外投票政策的認識、參與投票和投票意識的重要性。 結果顯示,教育作為一個社會經濟程度上的指標,符合研究假設中教育如何積極影響海外移民對母國的政治參與、以及對選舉的觀點。 另一方面,移民在海外停留的時間長度作為再社會化之指標,研究發現顯示僅有較微弱的關聯性,若在假設更長的海外停留時間,會使移民遠離母國政治和選舉參與的情况之下,產生出既正面又截然不同的兩種結果。 Bringing migration and electoral studies together, this research focuses on emigrants` homeland political participation through external voting. It primarily uses the concepts of socioeconomic and resocialization factors and their influence on migrants’ voting behaviors. The study centers on Taiwan-based Filipino migrants’ perspectives and explores their awareness, participation, and perceived importance of the Philippines’ external voting policy through Overseas Absentee Voting (OAV). Results show that education as a socioeconomic indicator coincided more with assumptions on how it can positively influence emigrants’ homeland political and electoral participation or perspectives. On the other hand, length of stay abroad as a resocialization indicator shows a weaker link, yielding both positive and contrasting results on assumptions that a longer stay abroad distances emigrants from homeland politics and electoral participation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際研究英語碩士學位學程(IMPIS) 109862015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109862015 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200977 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際研究英語碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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