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Title: | 企業建構新興信用評分模型所面臨之個資保護法規範與因應-以借貸領域之應用為中心 Personal Data Protection Under Alternative Credit Scoring: A Focus on the Applications of Lending Market |
Authors: | 王詩函 Wang, Shih-Han |
Contributors: | 鄭菀瓊 王詩函 Wang, Shih-Han |
Keywords: | 新興信用評分模型 信用評分 個人資料保護法 一般資料保護規範 隱私權 人工智慧 大數據 Alternative credit scoring model Credit scoring General data protection regulation Personal data protection law Privacy Artificial intelligence Big data |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-08-01 18:52:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 信用評分之高低將決定個人取得金融服務之便利程度及成本。在過往,缺少信用紀錄的族群因信用分數較低,難以透過傳統金融機構獲取所需之貸款服務,在需求尚未被滿足及技術發展的推波助瀾下,借貸市場之業者逐漸發展出有別於傳統徵信機構之評分機制,透過更成熟的建模技術與大數據之運用,試圖建立能更準確描繪申貸者輪廓之信用評分模型(又稱為新興信用評分模型),提升其貸款服務觸及之範圍,並藉此發展新型態之商業模式,然而,企業透過新興信用評分模型拓展新商機的同時,亦會因為模型建立的過程中涉及大量資料之蒐集與利用,而需先釐清其中是否有涵蓋個人資料,以避免資料主體隱私權之侵害而需承擔相關法律責任。
本論文將先比較我國、歐盟及美國對於個人資料之定義及判斷,並接續探討企業在建立新興信用評分模型的過程中,其所處理之資料在各國法下是否落入個人資料之範疇,而使其需履行相關義務,最後從個人資料之流程管理面及技術處理面出發,嘗試提供企業相關之法律遵循措施,以降低其在建立新興信用評分模型時所面臨之法律風險。 The credit rating is an important factor that would influence the cost and possibility when obtaining the financial services. In the past, people who lacked credit histories would have a lower credit score thus fail to apply loans through traditional financial institutions. With the unmet needs of the borrowers and the development of the technology, companies of the lending market tend to develop a new credit scoring mechanism by using more complicated algorithms and big data. By applying the new credit scoring model (so called alternative credit scoring model), companies are able to target their consumers more precisely hence exploit a new market and build different business models. However, the process of building alternative credit scoring models would involve the use of big data. Companies should clarify whether there is any personal data in the model in order to avoid the invasion of the data subject’s privacy.
In recent years, the leaking and misusing of personal data has raised the awareness of personal data protection in various countries, pushing the authorities to establish or revise personal data protection law. Based on the findings of this paper, personal data protection laws tend to have extraterritorial effect, which means companies may be subject to multiple regulations of different countries at the same time.
This paper compares the definition of personal data in three countries including R.O.C, EU and the U.S. Then discussed whether the data used in the alternative credit scoring model fall into the category of personal data under the laws of the three countries. And last, this paper will provide some compliance suggestions from the data management perspective and the technical processing aspect, trying to lower the legal risk of the companies when building the alternative credit scoring model. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 108364213 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364213 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200861 |
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