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    Title: 教師工作壓力研究之文獻計量分析
    Bibliometric Analysis of Teacher’ s Job Stress Research
    Authors: 李奕賢
    Lee, Yi-Hsien
    Contributors: 吳政達

    Wu, Cheng-Ta
    Hsu, Lien-An

    Lee, Yi-Hsien
    Keywords: 教師工作壓力
    Teacher’s job stress
    Bibliometric analysis
    Intellectual base
    Research hotspot
    Thematic map
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:49:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以「teacher job stress」、「teacher work stress」與「teacher occupational stress」為關鍵字,於WoS核心合輯資料庫之社會科學索引(SSCI)中進行教師工作壓力研究領域之文獻檢索,索引結果為1986篇文獻,剔除無關聯文獻896篇,得到有效主題文獻共計1090篇。運用R語言Bibliometrix套件進行文獻共被引分析以了解教師工作壓力研究之知識基礎,再透過關鍵字共現分析以探索教師工作壓力研究之研究熱點,最後繪製主題地圖以探究教師工作壓力之研究主題演進。
    This study used the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) of the Web of Science Core Collection Database as the literature source, and used the keywords “teacher job stress,” “teacher work stress,” and “teacher occupational stress” as a Topic search, a total of 1,986 subject articles were collected. After excluding the literature irrelevant to this research field, there are 1,090 valid articles were retained for analysis. The Bibliometrix package of R language was subsequently employed to conduct a co-citation analysis to elucidate the intellectual bases. A co-word analysis was performed to examine the research hotspots. Finally, thematic maps were created to describe the history of research into teacher’s job stress.
    According to the results of the analysis, the conclusions of this study were as follows: The three effective clusters of document co-citation analysis include “job stress and job burnout,” “emotion,” and “teacher effectiveness,” which are the intellectual bases of this research. The three effective clusters of co-word analysis include “effects of job stress on the mental wellbeing of teachers,” “response to and coping strategies for job stress,” and “job demands and job resources,” which are the research hotspots of this research. The motor themes of the research varied across different periods: “burnout,” “job stress,” and “locus of control” from 1969–1993; “stress,” “influence,” “predictive factor,” and “model” from 1994–2015; and “behavior,” “quality,” and “influence” from 2016–2021. “Resilience” and “symptoms” are the emerging themes that deserve further investigation.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108911025
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200714
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