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    Title: 永續發展教育科研合作之文獻計量分析
    Bibliometric Analysis of Collaboration in Education for Sustainable Development Research
    Authors: 江佩容
    Jiang, Pei-Rong
    Contributors: 吳政達
    Wu, Cheng-Ta
    Jiang, Pei-Rong
    Keywords: 永續發展教育
    Education for sustainable development
    Scientific collaboration
    Bibliometric analysis
    Social network analysis
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:49:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著世界各國開始意識到當前地球環境變遷所帶來的危機,因而紛紛提倡永續發展之理念,推動各項相關的計畫,期望透過全球攜手合作,共同兼顧社會、環境、經濟三方面的和諧發展,更倡議以教育方式促進個體對永續發展議題思考及解決問題的能力,顯見永續發展教育之重要性。近年來,學者們對永續發展教育之研究產生了濃厚的興趣,並以科研合作的方式,結合各國不同的永續發展教育推行方式及實地研究,共創一科際整合之優質教育。
    本研究將Web of Science核心合輯資料庫中「永續發展教育」主題之相關期刊文獻進行梳理,並透過R軟體套裝語法bibliometrix工具,以文獻計量分析和社會網絡分析方式,進一步繪製出合作網絡知識圖譜與世界合作地圖,接著依據科研合作分析指標:度中心性、接近中心性、中介中心性、PageRank值,以及文獻出版數量與身為第一作者發表數量,分析與探討永續發展教育科研合作之主要國家及地區、機構、作者,及其對學術的貢獻與發展趨勢。研究結果顯示,永續發展教育科研合作之文獻計量分析中,最主要的國家及地區為英國,其最緊密合作的國家為美國,且以歐洲的國家最為投入科研合作;主要的機構為葡萄牙的阿伯塔大學,且各機構以跨國合作的比例居多,尤以歐洲的高等教育機構最為投入科研合作;而最具影響力的主要作者為W. Leal Filho,與之最密切合作的科研夥伴為U.M. Azeiteiro‬。
    With the countries around the world becoming aware of the crisis arising from the earth’s current environmental change, the countries have one after the other advocated the concept of sustainable development, with various related plans promoted. It is expected that through global collaboration, individuals’ contemplation on sustainable development issues and problem-solving ability can be advocated, taking into account harmonious developments in social, environmental, and economic aspects. This is a clear indication of the importance of education for sustainable development. In recent years, scholars have developed a keen interest in studying education for sustainable development. In addition, scientific collaboration, combined with education for sustainable development promotion methods from different countries and field research, have been adopted to create high-quality education on interdisciplinary teaching jointly.
    This study compiled journal references related to “education for sustainable development” themes in the Web of Science Core Collection. Through the Biblioshiny Bibliometrix R-package tool, bibliometric analysis, and social network analysis, a collaboration network knowledge graph and a collaboration world map were drawn. Then, based on the scientific collaboration analysis indicators: degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, PageRank, the number of publications, and the number of first-author publications, the major countries and regions of scientific collaboration on education for sustainable development, institutions, authors, academic contributions, and development trends were analyzed and explored. The research results show that in the bibliometric analysis of collaboration on education for sustainable development, the major countries and regions include the United Kingdom, the United States with the closest cooperation ties with the UK, and European countries most involved in scientific collaboration. The main institutions include Universidade Aberta (Portugal); among the institutions, transnational cooperation comprised the majority, especially tertiary institutions in Europe most involved in scientific collaboration. The most influential primary author is W. Leal Filho, and his closest cooperation partner is U.M. Azeiteiro.
    To sum up, the research results shall be provided to researchers or relevant practitioners in order to explore the situation of collaboration in education for sustainable development research and understand and seek related research collaborators. The promotion of education for sustainable development and the co-creation of new scientific collaboration items will also be promoted.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108911024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200693
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