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    Title: 國中教師自我領導、心理資本與職務傾注關係研究
    A Study on the Relationship between Self-leadership, Psychological Capital, And Job Involvement Of Junior High School Teachers
    Authors: 馬喃瑜
    Ma, Nan-yu
    Contributors: 郭昭佑

    Guo, Chao-yu
    Chang, Yin-Kun

    Ma, Nan-yu
    Keywords: 自我領導
    psychological capital
    job involvement
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:48:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國民中學教師自我領導、心理資本與職務傾注的影響,透過文獻分析、問卷調查法,以桃園市立國民中學教師為研究對象,得有效問卷504份,並以心理資本作為中介變項來加以探討其在於自我領導與職務傾注之間的影響。分別以描述統計、積差相關、逐步迴歸分析進行資料分析,以結構方程模式(Structural equation modeling,SEM)、BK法、Sobel test 和Bootstrap檢測其中介效果,並針對研究結果,提出具體建議。
    (一) 自我領導與心理資本之間具有顯著性的正相關(γ= .644, p <.01)。
    (二) 自我領導與職務傾注之間具有顯著性的正相關(γ= .465, p <.01)。
    (三) 心理資本與職務傾注之間具有顯著性的正相關(γ= .448, p <.01)。
    This study aimed to investigate the current status and interrelationship of Taoyuan junior high school teachers’ self-leadership, psychological capital, and job involvement. The research methods included literature analysis, questionnaire survey. The survey subjects were public junior high school teachers of Taoyuan City in Taiwan. The study issued a total of 504 valid questionnaires. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, stepwise regression analysis , structural equation modeling(SEM) to examine moderated mediation effect by the method of Baron and Kenny, Sobel test and Bootstrap. Based on the research results, specific suggestions are made as following:
    The results show that teachers’ perceptions of teachers’ self-leadership, psychological capital, and job involvement are medium to high level. Male teachers over the age of 43 have the highest level of perception in psychological capital. Teachers over 43 years old and the average job tenure for over 21 years have the best perception in job involvement.

    About the correlation between self-leadership, psychological capital, and job involvement as below:
    (I) There is a significant positive correlation between self-leadership and psychological capital (γ= .664, p <.01).
    (2) There is a significant positive correlation between self-leadership and job involvement (γ= .465, p < .01).
    (3) There is a significant positive correlation between psychological capital and job involvement. (γ= .448, p<.01).

    Both behavior awareness and volition in self-leadership, task motivation ,and the dimension of the resilience in psychological capital have predictive power for job involvement, which explanatory power can reach 25.8%.

    Psychological capital has partial mediation effect between self-leadership and job involvement of junior high school teachers in Taoyuan City.

    Based on the research results, some suggestions are proposed as following:
    Firstly, suggest that the educational administrative authorities can provide clear task vision with long-term goals and combine with strategic intents in any task planning. Secondly, give appropriate rewards, support and authorization to enhance teachers` task motivation. And then organize support groups to encourage teachers` professional growth and improve teachers` psychological capital.
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