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    Title: 國民小學校長分布式領導、學校組織公平與教師組織承諾關係之研究
    A Study on the Relationship among Principal Distributed Leadership, School Organizational Justice and Teacher Organizational Commitment in Elementary Schools
    Authors: 洪國芳
    Hung, Kuo-Fang
    Contributors: 秦夢群
    Chin, Meng-chun
    Hung, Kuo-Fang
    Keywords: 國民小學校長
    Elementary school principa
    distributed leadership
    organizational justice
    teacher organizational commitment
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:48:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究旨在探討國民小學校長分布式領導、學校組織公平與教師組織承諾之關係,並依據研究所得出之結論,提出相關之建議,使校長瞭解對其運用分布式領導、學校組織公平與教師組織承諾間之關聯性,以此作為經營校內人力與維持組織間穩定之參考。本研究使用問卷調查法,蒐集新北市國民小學教師知覺其校長之領導方式、校內組織公平程度與自身對組織承諾之相關資料,透過統計之方式分析三個變項之間的關聯,歸納以下重要結論:
      The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among principals` distributed leadership, school organizational justice and teachers` organizational commitment in elementary schools, and to put forward relevant suggestions based on the conclusions of this study. To make principals understand the relationship among the application of distributed leadership, school organizational justice and teacher organizational commitment, as a reference for managing school manpower and maintaining inter-organizational stability. In this study, questionnaire survey was used to collect data about teachers` perception of principal`s leadership style, fairness of school organization and their own commitment to the organization. The correlation among the three variables was statistically analyzed, and the following conclusions were concluded:

    1. Elementary school teachers` perception of principal distributed leadership was medium to high, with the highest perception of development and investment of leadership energy.
    2. Elementary school teachers` perception of school organizational justice is medium to high, and the perception of interactive justice is the highest.
    3. Teachers` perceived organizational commitment of elementary school teachers was medium to high, and their perceived willingness to work hard was the highest.
    4. There were significant differences among the background variables of teachers` gender, age, seniority, education level, position and principal`s gender.
    5. There are significant differences among the background variables of teachers` gender, age, seniority, position and principal`s gender.
    6. There are significant differences among the background variables of teachers` gender, age, seniority, education, position and principal`s gender in the degree of teachers` perceived organizational commitment.
    7. There is a highly positive correlation among principal distributed leadership, school organizational justice and teacher organizational commitment.
    8. Principal distributed leadership and school organizational justice can predict teacher organizational commitment.
      In addition, according to the conclusions, the recommendations were given to provide suggestions for the practical application and future research of education authorities, primary school principals and school education personnel.
    Reference: 中文部分
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