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    Title: 分久必合?中共與北韓統一政策之比較
    Separation or unification? Comparison of the Unification Policies of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Workers` Party of Korea (WPK)
    Authors: 全昭玟
    Chun, Somin
    Contributors: 王信賢
    Wang, Hsin-Hsien
    Chun, Somin
    Keywords: 中國共產黨
    Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
    Workers` Party of North Korea (WPK)
    Cross-Strait relations
    inter-Korean relations
    Unification Policies
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-08-01 18:45:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文研究對象為現今意識形態對立且被視為分裂國家的兩岸與兩韓,如何追求「國家統一」,並以兩岸與兩韓的情況為例。回顧近代以來的歷史,實踐國家統一而不依靠打仗的統一模式僅有德國模式,因此,本文認為,當民主政權在應對專制政權所祭出的統一政策時,不該安於現狀,除應思考如何捍衛民主自由體制的優越性,也應為隨時可能到來的戰爭做準備,備戰而不求戰。
    本文分析後發現,中國共產黨與北韓勞動黨的統一政策,皆具有高度一致性和延續性,並且都傾向以民族情感來論述統一問題;在軍事外交層面,兩岸在軍事實力上的不對稱性,明顯高於兩韓;而在經濟社會面向,兩岸與兩韓的差異更為顯著。兩韓民間交流嚴格管控,僅有官方主導的交流,兩岸則是經貿和人員交往頻繁,雙邊貿易額持續增加,這一方面讓中共在對臺統戰上有更多選擇,另一方面卻也同時提高了中共對臺動武的成本。而在統一意願上,2021 年韓國民眾願意統一的民意超過四成,臺灣民眾願意統一的則不到一成。對比之下,兩岸與兩韓在官方態度、民間交往情況,及民眾統一意願上,皆呈現出鮮明的差異。
    The study examines how to pursue “national unification” between the two sides of the Cross-Strait and South-North Korea, which are nowadays ideologically opposed and considered as divided countries. by looking at the situation of cross-strait relations and inter-Korean relations as examples. Looking back to the history since modern times, the case of German has been the only model of unification that accomplished national unity without relying on war. Therefore, this study argues that they should not rest on the laurels of the status quo; when democratic regimes respond to the unification policies of autocratic regimes; not only considering how to defend the superiority of democratic and liberal institutions, but also preparing for the war that may be able to happen.
    This paper explains unified policy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Workers` Party of North Korea (WPK) from three perspectives: policy principles and political status, military and diplomatic affairs, and economic and social aspects. furthermore, we examine the factors that may influence the output of both policies at three levels of analysis: the system level, the state level, and the individual level of leaders. Finally, this research proved that the individual level is the most important element when
    exploring the unification policy of the CCP and WPK. In other words, leaders have the most powerful influence in the process of policy formulation and implementation.
    This research finds that the unification policies of both CCP and WPK have a high degree of consistency and continuity, then both tend to discuss the unification issue in terms of national sentiment. At the military and diplomatic level, the extent of asymmetry in military strength between the two sides of the Cross-Strait relations is obviously larger than the inter-Korea relations. when it comes to economic and social aspects, However, the differences between the two sides of the Cross-strait and the South-North Korea are even more significant. Civil exchanges between the South-North Korea are strictly controlled while official-led exchanges are available. On the one hand, this gives the CCP more options in terms of unification tools against Taiwan. On the other hand, it also raises the cost of the CCP`s use of forces against Taiwan. According to the research conducted in 2021, more than 40% of the Korean populations are willing to reunify, while less than 10% of Taiwanese people hope to reunify. In contrast, the Cross-Strait relations and inter-Korean relations show obvious differences in official attitudes, civil-society contacts, and the public`s desire for unification.
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